There’s Something Wrong Here

Direct quote from this morning’s Boston Globe:
Nantucket will likely bare the brunt of Tropical Storm Ophelia when it rages through southern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the islands early this morning.
But the attention of state emergency planners is turning to Bourne and Camp Edwards to ease the anxiety of Katrina evacuees as they weather their first significant storm since the hurricane destroyed their Louisiana homes.

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Weather Report

We got a good pre-Ophelia dousing yesterday, which was welcome – it was only the second day of rain this whole summer, and the storm helped to lower the deficit.
The forecasters are still not 100% sure of Ophelia’s exact track Northeast, but it looks like we are in for wind and more rain from tonight through Saturday.

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Now, Just a Minute, There…

Somebody named Mel Goodman is quoted on as saying that the Bush administration’s “libertarian policies” include “exploiting the tragedy and terror of 9/11 to provide huge sums of money to the richest and most powerful bureaucracies in the American system of government”.
Gentlepeople, that is a crock, whether or not the reference is to little l or big L Libertarianism.

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Class Warfare is More Important than Profit

In fact, to the people on Wall Street who really run the country, profit seems to be the last consideration in valuing companies.
Here’s an example:
Business Week ran the numbers last year on Costco versus Sam’s Club, a direct competitor which is owned by Wal-Mart.
Costco, a membership wholesale company, pays its full-timers an average of over $16/hour and 92% of their employees’ health insurance premiums.
Wal-Mart on the other hand pays an average of $9.69/hour and 34% of health insurance.
What does Costco get for this? Lower turnover and higher productivity.

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Stupid post

Got a haircut (resigned to layers), balanced the checkbook, paid bills, picked up the first of emergency supplies, got a good start on Jim B’s eBay project, deposited checks from a client, finally submitted a couple of refund offers (mailing deadline is the 13th and today is the 12th), followed on with some nice people who may have computers to donate to the Tech Academy, spoke with a senior staff member at my Congressman’s office about the goings-on at Edwards (great quote: “If we get stuck with the sex offenders while the rest of the people go home, that wouldn’t be much of a deal.”), stopped by the library so they could update my account and having done so, reserved several books online, attempted to negotiate a better APR on my one credit card and printed off directions to a couple of meetings tomorrow.

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More “evacuees” are expected at Camp Edwards this week.
This word didn’t come from our State or Federal representatives, or for that matter, Great White Father Mitt Romney.
No, the word was given, and buried at that, in an article quoting a spokesperson for a local housing agency about the need for more volunteers at the Base.

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It’s suggested by columnist Michael Levenson in this morning’s Globe that Romney’s wanted the Katrina evacuees at Camp Edwards to give himself an “opportunity to shine” after the last 2 1/2 years of stalemates by the predominantly Democratic legislature (Romney was elected in November 2002).
Mr. Levenson describes the enormous national media exposure that Romney has received as a result of this, his first real chance to display the management skills for which he was touted as the president and CEO of the Organizing Committee for the Salt Lake Winter Games.
Well, Mr. Romney has done well in some respects, especially his own PR, but has fallen flat on his face as far as assuring the public safety of the evacuees, the families currently living on Otis, and the community as a whole.

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