Ron mowed the property yesterday, front and back, including the “hayfield” in front of the deck garden. I’m not sure which performance was more impressive, that of the ancient human being or the old-ish mower.
I picked up annuals for the deck planter from Chenail’s on Simonds Road. Added planting soil and watered this morning.
Did a little organizing in the kitchen and a lot of weeding and a little rosebush pruning in the back yard.
In addition to his Olympian mowing, Ron fixed the hoses, which were leaking abominably.
Watered the new garden last evening and this morning, as well as the driveway plantings; they are not doing especially well. Pulled off a slug from one of the Gazanias.

Progressive world is in an uproar about the end of the Affirmative Action by race. Was attacked by another WSJ reader when I wrote that inner city youths have access to educational and cultural opportunities unavailable to their counterparts in rural communities, but I was defended by several people.
I am pleased that SCOTUS upheld Sullivan – a blow to Trump. I’m ambivalent about Groff. Accommodation for religious beliefs sounds good but seems fraught with ambiguity, even though it was a unanimous decision and attempted to better define “hardship” to a business. We’ll see how the lower court rules.
I am, of course, ecstatic about Moore vs. Harper and ambivalent about the decision in favor of the web designer. She’s a sanctimonious bigot, so take your trade elsewhere. Turns out, though, there was no client and no project. Free speech? Seems like a stretch on the part of the conservative majority.
Will the inspector from Mass Save was here yesterday and enthusiastically approved the insulation installation. He said we were very fortunate to get that particular crew. He used an infrared device to check the walls; intriguing.
Heard from the people in China about my raised bed order. They found the supplier sent the wrong goods and have “arranged” for a partial refund as compensation.
James and his BIL – also James – unloaded and toted 10 pieces of subfloor up the stairs and reinforced the railing after removing and replacing it.
Today I did a small grocery run to Stop & Shop for essentials, like bread and ice cream as well as a little marigold for the deck table. Then fell asleep off and on for the rest of the afternoon.
Ron brought yard leavings and recyclables to the transfer station.
We were trying to figure out whether we’d actually ordered a new power cord for his Norelco. Delightful surprise: it arrived today in the mail.
Air is worse today that it was a week ago. Fires in Canada. Poor trees, poor people!
Switched around hoses to make it easier to water by the driveway.