Worse today. He spoke with a nurse on the phone yesterday, hope to be seen today.
Made brownies and roasted cabbage, potatoes and carrots for supper last evening. Ron: “Too much cabbage.”
Chores: put new batteries in the weather station day before yesterday. Rebaited the mouse traps and picked up droppings yesterday. Mouse got caught in one of the traps last night.
Watched the “No Kings” rally on YouTube. Better than being there, could see and hear everyone. Between the crowd at the Colonial and those online, I figure roughly 900 people attended.
Brought Ron to see his Primary today but he didn’t have an appointment and she was too busy. Rather than waiting at the hospital, I did a shop at S&S for staples like bread and Neufchatel and later at CVS for his eye meds.
Gorgeous day. Sat out on the deck for a little while. Old daffs are sprouting in the corner of the yard.