
More “evacuees” are expected at Camp Edwards this week.
This word didn’t come from our State or Federal representatives, or for that matter, Great White Father Mitt Romney.
No, the word was given, and buried at that, in an article quoting a spokesperson for a local housing agency about the need for more volunteers at the Base.

Where, oh where, are our elected representatives? Why is no information being given directly to the public, only apparently to “insiders”?
NEMA, MEMA and the rest of the alphabet soup of federal and state agencies have had over a week to get their collective acts together. The local excuse “we aren’t being told” just doesn’t fly any more.
The weather service is predicting that Hurricane Ophelia will march up the coast and reach the Cape on Saturday morning.
Dunno about you, but I’m not waiting around for advisories or info from our feckless-to-reckless gummit about contingency plans.
I’m going to stock up on water, fill the bathtub, get batteries, ensure that all my financial papers are in the lock box, fill up the gas tank, and do as many chores requiring electricity as I can.
One of the reasons is that Camp Edwards happens to be the primary shelter for people in my area. At 360+ feet, it’s the highest point on the Cape. But, since BMOC Romney seems to be filling it up with people from out of state, I can’t count on it being available if the hurricane hits.
So, Sunday or Monday morning, maybe you’ll see us on the news, being escorted at gunpoint by National Guard troops or the Mashpee cops to be evac’d to some safe harbor location.
If that happens, I hope they send me to Louisiana. I hear there are going to be plenty of jobs there, unlike the employment situation in minimum-wage land/Barnstable County.