Yesterday while attempting to flip the light switch behind the microwave, I broke one of the pretty cordial glasses.
Stopped in to Eastman’s for a very overpriced tube of Loctite for glass. They aren’t allowing customers in the store but are open. This was one item that was in stock, fortunately.
I finished gluing the pieces this morning. Hope they hold.
I did a walk yesterday in the cold and damp up and down part of Main Street in Falmouth, including the park at Siders Pond and the labyrinth at Saint Barnabus.

Other walkers shot looks that could kill, and I probably did the same to them. So much for loving kindness in the middle of a crisis on Cape Cod: it’s all about me.
Ron has done a great job of setting up the hoses. Both 100 footers are working, front and back. He filled the bird bath yesterday and has been keeping the feeders loaded up.
I did more raking and weeding yesterday, and Ron loaded up the wheelbarrow twice so I could spread compost. Made good progress.
I was beat last night, much better this morning. Been fighting what feels like a cold for days, but not running a fever.