Month: January 2022
Good Question
Post Blizzard
We’re done with the blizzard and were fortunate: never lost power and thus, have internet, heat and hot water this morning.
It’s 8 degrees outside.
Ron worked until almost 10 pm last night clearing the driveway with the snow blower. He’d also shoveled off the deck. I did some shoveling around the truck tires. Slow going because of the drifts and a waterlogged bottom layer of snow.
We tried making paths for Lizzie; she wasn’t able to navigate at all in the deep snow.
We got around a foot. Less than many other places, including Boston.
Almost Made It
I knew it would happen: with 7 hours left in our home warranty waiting period, the washing machine broke.
A repairman came today and we hope it’ll be fixed next Tuesday.
I took Lizzie out for a couple of short walks, but she’s off her food. Ron’s going to try another one now.
We had a food festival yesterday. After I ordered a tonneau cover in Hyannis, Ron treated us to lunch at Au Bon Pain and brought home cookies and croissants.
We stopped at Whole Foods for Dave’s bread (half off), store cookies and sushi. Got home to find someone had put ground chicken and fresh basil in one of our bags!
On the way back to Mashpee, we stopped at a local Mom and Pop in Marstons Mills for gigantic burritos and tacos, packed with fresh vegetables.
Cranberry Bread
This weekend, Ron made a delicious cranberry/orange bread from scratch.
14th Amendment and the Countdown Begins
I’ve been reading essays by legal scholars on the Cato Institute website about the impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on state laws and practices.
I decided in lieu of a new hot water heater to purchase a 5-year home warranty contract for roughly the same amount. Impressed with the customer service we’ve received so far from this company.
The Countdown to the effective date of the home warranty contract is underway: 6 days to go.
Drove Robert home from his last day at the bank. He has two offers already, one in Tech, which IMO is where he belongs, and more irons in the fire.
Very proud of him and James, and Peter, too.
Ron raved about breakfast this morning, inspired by a YouTube cooking vid: pan-fried tortilla with eggs, tomatoes, black beans, cheese, peppers and onions. He ate his with salsa and yogurt.
Good Supper
Ron made a fine stir fry with piles of vegs and crispy tofu.
I had an appt to remove a suspicious blotch.
Liz was good as gold.