Did laundry and changed sheets. Made the transfer station run. Emme called to see if she could visit. She made a cheesecake and the marinade for grilled fish. We picked up a very good condition used Hoyle’s at the bookstore in Cotuit. All in all, a nice day.
Month: September 2012
Raining this morning. It’s put a crimp in work plans, but welcome anyway, since we had only about half an inch the night before.
Good One
Went to a gathering of the user group today and enjoyed seeing old friends and coworkers. Also stopped at the Harvest Fest and picked up some Highland cattle burgers from a farm in Dennis. Got my hair cut. Made greens and tapioca. Ron’s ridiculous childhood pronunciation of the latter made me laugh so hard, I had to change my clothes.
Property Owner’s Diary
Ron tied the ramps to the truck so we could pick up the lawn mower and snow blower at Edgewater. I mowed the front lawn. We brought the machines to Botello for tune-ups.
We had a nice lunch at Panera.
I ordered more materials for Robert’s senior project and dropped off the MHA paperwork that came in the mail today.
We cancelled the cookout planned for tomorrow. The long-promised rain started a little while ago and is expected to continue off and on throughout the weekend. One of the UG members wanted to get together anyway, so the group is meeting at the Sandwich BBC instead. Good!
Right now, it’s cool and damp, and I am thrilled that my work week ended yesterday at 5:30. Did a load of laundry. Ron made his special spaghetti and seafood sauce for supper and we watched “The Prince and the Showgirl” afterwards. Fluffles ate very well today.
Gardener’s Diary

Ron and I have been working since 10:30 this morning on the front lawn. It’s now almost 8 hours later, and he’s just finishing up.
We rented a power rake and while I went hunting for starter fertilizer, Ron thatched the front and side yards and the “town” grass in front of the fence.
We filled up the truck 1 1/3 times with the thatch and made two runs to the transfer station. Came back to seed, fertilize and water. We hope for rain tonight.
Morning Glories
Gardener’s Diary

Last Friday, Ron aerated the front and back lawns. I did some deep raking, not as potentially damaging as thatching. Yesterday, I seeded and watered the right side of the back yard, the one with the hot spots.
We got to see Emme a couple of times this weekend, on Saturday for a conference and the Bourne Scallop Festival, and on Sunday for transfer station run, card games and supper. I loved it! While we were playing poker, Ron reminded me a little of Ed Cohen, sweetly avuncular. God bless him, he’s the best.
What a difference good cookware makes. Calphalon was on sale, so I (finally) bought a griddle and broke it in this morning for French toast. The difference between this and the old Revere Ware frying pan is remarkable. Helpful that it’s non-stick as well.