A Newsweek poll published today reported Bush’s approval rating at 38 percent. The survey found 53 percent of Americans no longer trusted him to make correct decisions in a foreign or domestic crisis, against 45 percent who did.
Meanwhile, that staunchest of Republican newspapers, the New Hampshire Union Leader, has ripped Bush a new one over the croneyism and incompetence in the Division of Homeland Security.
Could the tide FINALLY be turning? Let’s see what happens tomorrow, when your gummit and mine is scheduled to blow an ill-timed wad on its so-called commemoration of 9/11.
How To Tell If a Watermelon is Ripe
Knock on it as if you were knocking on a door.
If it sounds hollow, it’s ripe.
This works – believe it.
Getting By (With a Little Help from My Friends)
Patio screen doors – the kind with wheels on the top and the bottom – are the creation of the devil.
I swear, this is true.
Of all the household tasks to be done, installing one of these satanic doors is my least favorite.
Continue reading Getting By (With a Little Help from My Friends)
Predictions – Update
Guess I was wrong about Michael Brown, he didn’t (at least not yet) receive a medal for his mishandling of the post-Katrina relief efforts.
While Bush did get an incomprehensible bump in one poll for his mis-handling of the crisis, it was short-lived: now, only 39% of those surveyed by AP-Ipsos are fools and idiots.
Theater of the Absurd
The events around the flooding of New Orleans and reaction thereafter are so surreal that they seem to have been scripted by Samuel Beckett or Harold Pinter.
The Secretary Got It Right
In an interview with Barbara Walters, former Secretary of State Colin Powell makes more sense in a few words than the thousands of pages of gibberish from the left-of-center that have inundated all of us about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Including the absurd, insane comment that George “Deficit” Bush is a small government kind of guy.
The Hypocrisy Continues
So, Massachusetts “opened up its arms” to the evacuees from New Orleans, some of whom were old, infirm and had to be lifted off the plane that landed yesterday at Edwards (another is expected today).
Two weeks ago, nobody gave a rat’s patoot about these same old, infirm people, or the poor families, including some with kids. All of a sudden, the milk of human kindness flows.
What the * ?
From thebostonchannel.com:
Some landlords in Boston are offering vacant apartments to hurricane survivors for free…
Eric Stevens, one such landlord, is making 3 apartments available, rent-free, for one year.“They are 1,200 square foot four-bedroom apartments. They are de-leaded, and they are brand new construction. They have eat in kitchens and washers and dryers. They come with parking.”
(Mr. Stevens has) a friend at Bob’s Discount Furniture, who also offered to help the evacuees.
“They said, ‘How much furniture do you need?’ They committed to it and the furniture will be here in about 48 hours,” he said.
The evacuees will be allowed to keep the furniture once they find more permanent housing.
And Yet MORE….
I just got off the phone with my state and federal Representatives. My state rep called me himself.
The RUMORS – and per our elected representatives, they are just rumors, unconfirmed by NEMA, MEMA or anyone else – are that two planeloads of people from New Orleans are expected to land at 1:30 today and after midnight at Camp Edwards.
Note that these are people DIRECTLY FROM NEW ORLEANS, not from the relo centers in Texas.
In other words, these are the “holdouts” who have refused to leave the city until they were forced out, in some cases, at gunpoint.
And More…
Our state rep, whom I adore, must keep the same 5 to 9 hours I do: he’s already responded to an email I sent this morning, and he’s got it right: the ongoing mismanagement of the Katrina victims is, “a mess”.
To further erode whatever limited confidence one has in government at this point, he also admitted to having “the same questions” that I do.
And this is over FOUR DAYS after the announcement was made that 2,500 people would be relocated to this area.