It’s been a tough week with Ron’s bad leg, but tonight it seems to be better.
He had an appointment yesterday with his primary and today we went to Walmart to pick up meds, painkiller for him and a salve for my poor eczema-inflicted ears.
I also got a mild cortisone OTC med for my right eye.
We had dinner at Plates – all veg, pretty much fat free. Talk about healthy! We’d gone there intending to join a Chamber of Commerce event but ended up trying out two of their salads and three of their appetizers. Everything was very good.
We drove to Pownal afterwards so I could drop off “Serviceberry” and Ron could get a beer sampler.
Heard from Betsy. She invited us to look at the slideshow and church service video on the funeral home website. I couldn’t understand a word of the service but enjoyed and appreciated the slideshow.