40 x 40

Mike and Sharon Gravelle are Ohio residents, and they’d jumped on the foster care/adoption gravy train, big time – 11 such “throwaway” kids, ages 1 through 14, lived with them.

The Gravelles became known to the Huron County sheriff’s department as the result of a complaint from a children’s services investigator.
Turns out, the Gravelles had kept the kids in 40 inch by 40 inch cages, wired to alarms that sounded if they were opened. The cages were stacked in two rows, one on top of the other.
The kids would sleep in these wooden cages at night, with no pillows or blankets. Some of the cages were blocked by heavy furniture.
The kids were taken to a medical center and found to be in reasonable health, and they’ve been placed with foster families.
No charges have been filed yet against the Gravelles.