Deck Cleaning; Wasp Sting

I used a bleach solution to clean one side of the deck and washed the floor.

Watered the oval garden. Weeded out most of the mint that was covered with black spots.

Waded through Ron’s PayPal account and found he has at least three subscriptions set up that he wants to cancel. At least got his Greylock account squared away and removed PayPal credit as the default on several subscriptions.

Started sweeping the other side of the deck and was stung by a wasp for my efforts.


In preparation for the appointment with the doc next week, talked myself into going to Williamstown Medical shortly before eight for a blood draw. There was only one person ahead of me and traffic was extremely light.

We got a very small amount of rain this morning; disappointing.

I have been fighting with myself for weeks about not wanting to do any work around the house.

Did a load of white laundry and a quick swipe of the downstairs bathroom floor. I was ambitious enough to measure the wall over the downstairs toilet for sizing a new medicine cabinet and checking some models out online. Otherwise, it’s already after noon and hard to incentivize myself to do anything.

It doesn’t help that it’s humid outside. I have the air on in the third bedroom.

Ron has no motivation today, either, even less than mine. It’s likely due in part to his withdrawing from Tramadol. I believe it’s been about a week since his last dose, which leaves possibly another week before he’s free of symptoms.

A huge invoice from Preite.

Wrote to the Home Improvement people to see if they can help us pay for the mini split. If it’s health-related they will consider it.

One of the trees that Ron got last winter seems to be alive in spite of neglect, so I planted it today.

Would like to restore the hairdo on my Madam Alexander doll and have been looking at examples. She seems to be a “Cissy” model. The ones in good condition fetch in the hundreds of dollars but I don’t intend to sell her.

The deer have been eating some of my flowers, including the Evening Primrose. They have decimated the phlox. I put more deterrent out this evening.

Transfer Station, Blue Benn Diner

I loaded the truck with paper, trash and recyclables this morning and did a dump run.

Had a phone call from a person at the Blood Bank about our Shingrix shots. The moron confused Shingrix with earlier Shingles vaccines. He was rude, arrogant, bossy and stubborn. I wrote to his boss, we’ll see if I get an answer.

We decided that we didn’t need a $90 hose after all so returned it to Home Depot and took ourselves out to lunch at the Blue Benn. Fantastic. Ron got himself much-needed New Balance sneakers at one of the outlet stores. We got donuts and rhubarb at the Apple Barn.

The deer attacked my poor phlox so I put down repellent in all of the gardens.

Was able to create giant bubbles with inexpensive bubble solution from Dollar General. Picked up churros at Subway.

We went to a disappointing tasting of hard cider and cheese at the Store at Five Corners. I brought home delicious almond croissants.

Skipped the news and watched a couple of episodes of a Netflix series.

Paid the electric bill.

Alyssa’s Birthday; Blood Donation

Got to see the gang this morning. Looks like tomorrow is the last day of school!

Ron met with his healthcare provider. They came to agreement on his dropping Tramadol!

We had lunch at the Project – minestrone, salad, biscuit and dessert – and picked up fertilizer, a house brand AREDS2 and castile soap for Ron and a prescription and throat lozenges for me at Walmart.

We returned a book and a movie to the library. I asked Ron if he’d like to see Remedy Hall, which we did, but only after giving blood at the church. We didn’t have an appointment but someone didn’t show up for a 2pm so they were able to accommodate us.

I fed the plants on the deck and pruned the bushes in front of the house. We had G&Ts and briefly chatted with Bell.

Modern Pest, Fence

I took off for Whitney’s Garden Center in Cheshire to buy potting soil for the new Brandywine tomato and a replacement for the flowers I tore off yesterday. Brought home a dark purple petunia that balances out the hanging plant very well.

Nice ride back past a pretty lake. Stopped briefly at Five Corners.

Passed a group of elementary school students on their end of year walk. This time I knew to honk!

Modern Pest came while I was gone and put down insecticide and Maxforce Fleet Ant Bait Gel. Found mouse activity under the sink. In fact, we had a tiny dead one there this morning.

Fence person came by mid-afternoon with his gorgeous German Shepherd.

I repotted the big Brandywine tomato and started cleaning up the hanging pansies, which are still quite nice. Hung them near the table and chairs. The deck is looking quite festive with two hangers and a planter!

Burgers and fries for supper on the festive deck.

Sprayed the Roses

Picked up a gifted cutting board and drove the long way via Route 2 to Elhannon.

Bought a basil (birthday gift) for Alyssa and a pretty calibrachoa and petunia combo, another basil and a Brandywine tomato for us.

I did a horrible job repotting the combo plant, tore off several branches. Disgusted.

Fetched a football from under the neighbor’s trampoline with a long-handled claw. Bell, amused, watched and had questions about the tool (is it metal? wood? is it old? why is it red?)

Have been yanking weeds for days.

Changed sheets.

Fell asleep very early.


After moving the small TV to the sunroom, I did a little workout and replaced the chaises on the “patio”. We made the bed. And that’s about it for the morning.

Allergies are bad today, sneezing and eyes itch.

Ron cleared the area in front of the subpanel in the garage. I pulled some boxes out of the sunroom for recycling and reorganized a bit to make it easier to use the exercise equipment and watch TV.

We watched a Richard Gere movie “Arbitrage” and the rest of “Dune: 2”.

HEAT Loan App, Senior Center Lunch and Lecture, New Garden

With help from a very savvy person at MassSave, I got the loan app completed and submitted online. The worst part was editing the .pdf application.

We attended a helpful lecture on legal concerns for elders and enjoyed a pizza lunch at the senior center.

Picked up the Dune 2 DVD on reserve at the library.

Weeded and raked a bed for the wild pollinator seed kit we picked up yesterday. Sowed, tamped down and lightly watered the seeds after lunch and put up the sign.

Ron fussed a bit with the front hose; I will need it.

Brief rain shower late afternoon.

Left shoulder hurt.