More Yardwork, Put Away Tools

The tools need attention, badly, but at least I put them back in the shed before the rain predicted for later this week. Many of them were in the garage for the winter, used for snow removal.

Today we brought a truckload of dead grasses and leaves to the transfer station. I finished as much cleanup as I could by myself, and now the area around the driveway and in front of the house looks 100% better.

We even disposed of a bag of leaves from the fall.

We did a shop for groceries – almost out of bread – and although it was a little cool, had lunch on the deck. Gorgeous blue skies today.

Ron has been talking about not being able to find Johnny Walker Black in the local wine and spirits stores, so after lunch we visited Liquor World and Market, a Kappy-like outlet but unlike Kappy, staffed with friendly people, in North Adams.

Afterwards I picked up an inexpensive Belgian waffle maker at Goodwill and made waffles for supper.

Actually, A Pretty Good Day

Ron’s computer problems were not due to malware but a stupid web page rendered in Safari.

I skimmed Facebook Marketplace and found a couple of desk chairs that I thought could work for Ron. Early birthday present from me.

After making arrangements to travel and hour and a half each way to see a couple of chairs, a Williamstown person posted a nice one for $15. We arranged to meet at Cozy Corner and brought the chair home in the truck. It’s adjustable and comfortable according to Ron. And no three hour trip to pick it up.

I finished uploading and testing database and web pages to MRS. Didn’t receive a test email from SendGrid but I think it might be because it’s a duplicate submission. Investigated the Response but wasn’t helpful.

Made mac and cheese for supper, two boxes. Ron wolfed down a serving and seconds, poor guy was hungry.

More Republican dodging about “Signal-Gate”. The level of immaturity is beyond belief. Admit it was a mistake, do better. This administration really is being run by amateurs and not shame in that, just don’t make it worse by acting like 6 year olds. Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska, a retired Air Force Brigadier General, said the same on the telly tonight, and good for him.


Can’t see the hills for the clouds.

We are both in rotten moods today. I’m worn out with the BRC2 project and dodging other people’s disapproval, including Ron’s. Ron is living under his usual black cloud for reasons unknown or at least unrevealed.

I canceled an appointment to talk with a salesman at Coggins about purchasing the Corolla. Can’t face the stress of a car dealership visit today. He called and I told him it was just not a good time, had enough arguing with men today.

Ron’s computer is very unhappy. Malware.


Yesterday Ron was on a ladder in front of the garage and was a bit sore this morning. He’s not been taking all his meds. I hope we have that squared away now.

We made a quick run to Job Lot for mustard seeds and cheered on a standout in North Adams. Filled the Corolla at Cumby’s in Williamstown. Salad and chips for lunch.

Aside from that, I’ve been working on BRC2. I wasted a day on a page to add a new student until I remembered I’d been working on a version that was almost done.

Took out a short subscription to Cape News, should cover town elections. Curious to see who’s running in Mashpee.

Finding it hard to stay focused. Would really like to dig a new flower bed; dreading what I might find.

Petfinder, Blood Donation

I saw a Great Pyrenees today. If we had a proper fence, wouldn’t it be nice to offer him a home?

Pancakes for breakfast. Signed us up for lunches at the senior center, veg choices from the regular menu. The place that prepared vegetarian options for Elder Services went out of business.

Made a stop at the food pantry. Brought home two bags worth.

Did a little more yard cleanup, this time in the front corner.

Donated blood. Ron is still anemic, 10.1.

Did a grocery run, so a full day of food shopping.


Ron ran out yesterday, thinks either the pharmacy made a mistake when they refilled his prescription (unlikely) or he dispensed the meds incorrectly. I picked up an OTC version that we hope will work.

Changed sheets, did laundry.

Good news; we have half a tank of oil, hope it’ll last for the rest of the season.

Enjoyed sharing thoughts with Eric on the state of the government.

Continued work on BRC2. Incredible the mistakes I made in the setup.

Berkshire Robotics Challenge

Finished trimming the big grass by the driveway and did a transfer station run with a full bed and a not quite full trash bag.

Made it to the Robotics Challenge in time to see one of the WES teams make it to the finals.

Leisurely drive back through Dalton, Windsor, Savoy, Cheshire and Adams. Believe I came across the Cheshire reservoir. Admired the many red brick buildings in Dalton.

Drove Ron to the bank and Dwyer’s in Pownal. On the way, we stopped at a young neighbor’s lemonade stand and returned after errands to buy more.

Dropped a pizza in the oven and blueberry muffins from a mix. Ron devoured more than half of both: “I was hungry.”

Good Day

Did a quick (half hour) sketch of an older person’s hands at the Clark drawing workshop, then visited the museum galleries.

Attended the Log Lunch, enjoyed the speaker.

Picked up two bottles of grapefruit juice, on sale, for Ron.

Did some cleanup of decorative grasses.

Hard Week

It’s been a tough week with Ron’s bad leg, but tonight it seems to be better.

He had an appointment yesterday with his primary and today we went to Walmart to pick up meds, painkiller for him and a salve for my poor eczema-inflicted ears.

I also got a mild cortisone OTC med for my right eye.

We had dinner at Plates – all veg, pretty much fat free. Talk about healthy! We’d gone there intending to join a Chamber of Commerce event but ended up trying out two of their salads and three of their appetizers. Everything was very good.

We drove to Pownal afterwards so I could drop off “Serviceberry” and Ron could get a beer sampler.

Heard from Betsy. She invited us to look at the slideshow and church service video on the funeral home website. I couldn’t understand a word of the service but enjoyed and appreciated the slideshow.

Ron’s Knee

Worse today. He spoke with a nurse on the phone yesterday, hope to be seen today.

Made brownies and roasted cabbage, potatoes and carrots for supper last evening. Ron: “Too much cabbage.”

Chores: put new batteries in the weather station day before yesterday. Rebaited the mouse traps and picked up droppings yesterday. Mouse got caught in one of the traps last night.

Watched the “No Kings” rally on YouTube. Better than being there, could see and hear everyone. Between the crowd at the Colonial and those online, I figure roughly 900 people attended.

Brought Ron to see his Primary today but he didn’t have an appointment and she was too busy. Rather than waiting at the hospital, I did a shop at S&S for staples like bread and Neufchatel and later at CVS for his eye meds.

Gorgeous day. Sat out on the deck for a little while. Old daffs are sprouting in the corner of the yard.

Unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Otherwise didn’t do anything productive.