Indoor Farmers Market, Chores

I bought onions, Ron bought cheese, an apple cider donut and jam.

I missed a 1 PM Zoom call that I’d been looking forward to. It was quarter to two by the time I thought of it and anyway, Zoom was being obstinate.

Speaking of obstinate, had an unpleasant encounter with a worker at Stop & Shop. Quick to judge and slow to apologize.

Started cleaning the tools. Got them washed or at least un-dirted. Ron offered to remove the rust before bleaching and oiling them and cut his hand in the process.

He was so upset that I drove him to the ER. They never treated him, he ranked last in triage, so I brought him home.

While he waited to be seen, I picked up a prescription at Walmart and did a light shop at Job Lot.

We stopped at Spirit for wine and enjoyed it with the cheese Ron picked up this morning at the Farmers Market.