
In preparation for the appointment with the doc next week, talked myself into going to Williamstown Medical shortly before eight for a blood draw. There was only one person ahead of me and traffic was extremely light.

We got a very small amount of rain this morning; disappointing.

I have been fighting with myself for weeks about not wanting to do any work around the house.

Did a load of white laundry and a quick swipe of the downstairs bathroom floor. I was ambitious enough to measure the wall over the downstairs toilet for sizing a new medicine cabinet and checking some models out online. Otherwise, it’s already after noon and hard to incentivize myself to do anything.

It doesn’t help that it’s humid outside. I have the air on in the third bedroom.

Ron has no motivation today, either, even less than mine. It’s likely due in part to his withdrawing from Tramadol. I believe it’s been about a week since his last dose, which leaves possibly another week before he’s free of symptoms.

A huge invoice from Preite.

Wrote to the Home Improvement people to see if they can help us pay for the mini split. If it’s health-related they will consider it.

One of the trees that Ron got last winter seems to be alive in spite of neglect, so I planted it today.

Would like to restore the hairdo on my Madam Alexander doll and have been looking at examples. She seems to be a “Cissy” model. The ones in good condition fetch in the hundreds of dollars but I don’t intend to sell her.

The deer have been eating some of my flowers, including the Evening Primrose. They have decimated the phlox. I put more deterrent out this evening.