Transfer Station, Blue Benn Diner

I loaded the truck with paper, trash and recyclables this morning and did a dump run.

Had a phone call from a person at the Blood Bank about our Shingrix shots. The moron confused Shingrix with earlier Shingles vaccines. He was rude, arrogant, bossy and stubborn. I wrote to his boss, we’ll see if I get an answer.

We decided that we didn’t need a $90 hose after all so returned it to Home Depot and took ourselves out to lunch at the Blue Benn. Fantastic. Ron got himself much-needed New Balance sneakers at one of the outlet stores. We got donuts and rhubarb at the Apple Barn.

The deer attacked my poor phlox so I put down repellent in all of the gardens.

Was able to create giant bubbles with inexpensive bubble solution from Dollar General. Picked up churros at Subway.

We went to a disappointing tasting of hard cider and cheese at the Store at Five Corners. I brought home delicious almond croissants.

Skipped the news and watched a couple of episodes of a Netflix series.

Paid the electric bill.