Windows, Williams College Museum of Art

Cold to start but warmed up enough that Ryan and Bill came over a day early to finish the windows. Covering the ugly wood around them makes all the difference.

Ron and I took off in different directions to do errands, followed by a mid-afternoon visit to the Williams College Museum of Art.

Earlier, I treated myself to a croissant and coffee at Five Corners.

Couldn’t Seem To Get Going

We ran out of coffee yesterday! Ron made tea.

We had visitors, a construction supervisor and the electrician, who did his usual “above and beyond”. Wish I’d gotten a picture of him holding a rat’s nest of low-voltage wires that he pulled out of the basement!

I finally got my act together around 2 in the afternoon. Showered, dressed and drove to Walmart for meds. One script was wrong so asked for a corrected one.

Ron did a shop at Stop & Shop.

Reviewed home improvement expenditures to date. Decided we can’t afford to put in a new driveway this Spring. Triple the cost of Dixon or Edgewater.

A solar company sent an outrageous proposal. How things have changed in the last five years! Either that or they are vastly overpriced. Maybe that explains the financing logic behind “add solar, get a new roof” ads.

Busy Morning/Afternoon

We had no fewer than six visitors today.

I’d called a different plumbing company which was fortunate because the owner is an HVAC pro who spotted problems with our furnace and oil on the floor near the oil filter. Mirabito is supposed to be sending a tech before end of day.

The plumbers got us started on a proposal for split HVAC units.

Our electrician was here with the Town Electrical Inspector to review his work to date. They also are of the opinion that if the roof sheathing was unsound, Ryan would not have worked on it. The Inspector offered to call the Fire District to see if a fire had been reported here.

First visitor was a tree person who gave us a quote on taking down branches over the garage. Second was our plow guy who obviously did not drop off the face of the earth after all and was looking for his fee.

Ron is on the phone (finally) to file a claim with his GAP policy. We’re hoping for info from the dealership, like the policy number.

Looks like all my scripts from the new medical practice have been sent to Walmart.

The Town Building Inspector called. Was pleased to hear that we hired an architect to develop plans for our room project. He offered to check out the attic when he comes to inspect the roof.

Did some more little editing for Jim and MRS.

Yesterday Was A Bad Day

Got another estimate for the driveway, even higher than the first.

The “mold guy” charged us a fortune for his visit, most of it in travel time, and declared that the roof sheathing should be ripped out and replaced. My original home inspector does not agree. Left a message for the building inspector to check out the roof.

I seem to have said the wrong thing at a Math department seminar yesterday afternoon.

Ron may have missed an opportunity to file a GAP insurance claim.

On the other hand, I’m in no danger of losing the remote applications for the Corolla. The trial periods are a year-plus.

Getting many likes for my FB clock post.

Downloaded photo editing software which I like very much.

Did some editing for MRS.

Date Afternoon

We saw “Living” at Images Cinema. They have assistive devices for people with hearing difficulties. I borrowed one which displays captions and it was terrific. Evidently this isn’t available for all films, so must check ahead. Ron had no problem.

Ron treated us to an early dinner at Coyote Flaco and we enjoyed it, both the food and the atmosphere. We may have found our “place”. Fine sunset on the way home.

I left a message for IRA Toyota to call Ron about the GAP policy.

New Outfit

This cute little doll had been dressed in a knitted blue romper. I went a little overboard but couldn’t resist this outfit, especially since it’s hard to find clothes for boy dolls and this was the last available set.

I pretty much goofed off today. Found a copy of the loan agreement with Greylock, which has been on my mind. Paid an invoice from the Town. Caught up with the end of Whitechapel.

Ron made brownies but forgot the egg, so they came out like a cross between fudge and pudding cake.

As I was dressing the doll, Ron said in a little kid voice “I don’t want to live in Texas.” It came out of nowhere and destroyed me, couldn’t stop laughing.

Step By Step

Woke up around 1:30 this morning, fell back asleep after milk and a snack.

It looks like we can get the ceiling demo done in an easier way than I first thought. Work to begin on March 27.

Good visit yesterday with the new medical practice. I was so terrified that I bungled the med list. Have referrals to specialists.

Good visit yesterday as well by the Town plumbing inspector. Turns out the hot water tank is fine. The Town water connection needs to be redone. He promised to call the plumber.

We spent part of the afternoon at the Clark.

Got an estimate this morning for a graded, paved driveway. About what I expected.

Stopped by Town Hall to get a new transfer station sticker for the truck’s new registration. Chatted a bit with the Treasurer and Assessor.

We had a quick pizza lunch with the Theater Department. I sat in on a seminar about a disease transmission mathematical model. Was invited by one of the professors to return – nice!

We tried the redemption center but it was very busy, so will try again another day, or maybe another place. Stopped for half and half and snacks at Dollar General.

Moving Right Along…

We have appointments with a basement digout/vapor barrier installer, a new plumber for a whole-house filter and a mold inspector/remediator.

Ron drove us to T-Mobile today only to find that the tech set up his phone with a different password. The phone is working just fine now.

I got my new iPhone to connect with the Corolla.

I dropped off the last Jesse Stone DVD to the library and picked up lunch at the Senior Center.

Having heard nothing from either the Town or Mr. Rooter about an inspection, which should have happened in early February, I left a message for the Plumbing Inspector. He called a few minutes ago. The plumbing company lied, told him I wasn’t available for an inspection. Obviously never wanted the work to be evaluated! The inspector plans to be here tomorrow.

Ron treated us to pizza and salad from Olympic this evening.

Haircut, Fire District Meeting

In spite of dire warnings, no snow to speak of yesterday.

I got a haircut and in the afternoon, went with Ron to North Adams to finish his phone setup, but T-Mobile was closed.

Along with 588 other voters, about 12% of the 4,800 eligible, we attended the Fire District Special Meeting. 509 voted to fund the new station; 32 voted no; 49 abstained. Sat with some friendly 30-year residents who assured us that we made a good decision to move here.

Enjoyed watching little kid antics a couple of rows in front of us. I contributed to the delinquency of a minor by applauding and thus encouraging one little girl’s playful hijinks which seemed to amuse many of those present.

Watched a portion of the latest Mashpee Select Board and ZBA meetings in which one of our acquaintances was castigated by a select person for expressing her opinion that some appointed officials have a bias toward property developers.

Snow Ahead

It’s quarter of seven, and I’m glad the truck is here. I feel safer driving in snow with the truck than the front wheel drive Corolla, and we’re supposed to get weather pretty soon.

They’ve been predicting a major storm. Schools are closed in surrounding areas. The current forecast doesn’t look that bad, but we might be in for a whopper on Friday night.

I miss 20 Dixon, not because of the neighborhood, but because it was pretty in a tailored way and by the time Barbara’s crew finished, clean and neat. I put so much of my personality and creativity in that house and yard.

Ron said last night that in a year, Henderson will be great. Maybe, but it’s going to be a rough couple of months, especially since the people who are working on our projects are up to their eyeballs.

I miss Lizzie and Teddie. Not the near-continuous care but their companionship. I loved sitting in the back yard with Teddie resting next to a tree.

Today is Em’s birthday. Aka “Bennett”. They are 26.

Ryan, as promised, dropped by to clear the bay for the truck. He plans to come back tomorrow to finish the window work.