Step By Step

Woke up around 1:30 this morning, fell back asleep after milk and a snack.

It looks like we can get the ceiling demo done in an easier way than I first thought. Work to begin on March 27.

Good visit yesterday with the new medical practice. I was so terrified that I bungled the med list. Have referrals to specialists.

Good visit yesterday as well by the Town plumbing inspector. Turns out the hot water tank is fine. The Town water connection needs to be redone. He promised to call the plumber.

We spent part of the afternoon at the Clark.

Got an estimate this morning for a graded, paved driveway. About what I expected.

Stopped by Town Hall to get a new transfer station sticker for the truck’s new registration. Chatted a bit with the Treasurer and Assessor.

We had a quick pizza lunch with the Theater Department. I sat in on a seminar about a disease transmission mathematical model. Was invited by one of the professors to return – nice!

We tried the redemption center but it was very busy, so will try again another day, or maybe another place. Stopped for half and half and snacks at Dollar General.