In spite of dire warnings, no snow to speak of yesterday.
I got a haircut and in the afternoon, went with Ron to North Adams to finish his phone setup, but T-Mobile was closed.
Along with 588 other voters, about 12% of the 4,800 eligible, we attended the Fire District Special Meeting. 509 voted to fund the new station; 32 voted no; 49 abstained. Sat with some friendly 30-year residents who assured us that we made a good decision to move here.
Enjoyed watching little kid antics a couple of rows in front of us. I contributed to the delinquency of a minor by applauding and thus encouraging one little girl’s playful hijinks which seemed to amuse many of those present.
Watched a portion of the latest Mashpee Select Board and ZBA meetings in which one of our acquaintances was castigated by a select person for expressing her opinion that some appointed officials have a bias toward property developers.