We didn’t stay long, but I was still glad to visit this venue and try their Wassail cocktail, even though it was too “hoppy” for my taste.
It’s 3 am and already the plows have been by.
Dave and Devin came by yesterday to measure and consult on several “add on” projects: upstairs bathroom door, vermiculite removal, maybe a roof deck.
We watched the Bengals beat the Bills, which made me happy.
Ron has lost or misplaced his wallet. We looked in pockets, drawers, the truck.
I started moving boxes out of the sloping bedroom. From what I’ve read, Dave’s diagnosis of a cracked joist seems the most likely cause. He thinks the “bump” in the hallway is due to normal settling. His solution, to “ramp” the floor, is exactly what I’d thought of.
My cousin Rich was tagged in a FB post from what looked like a fabulous Robert Burns supper party at a house so large it accommodated a bagpipe and drum band.
We met with two home improvement people yesterday, a Trinity Solar rep and a contractor.
The contractor made a good case for the cause of the floor irregularities in the second story, a cracked joist. He’s available to work this week and I okayed his proposal last evening.
Updated the other two guys this morning. We’ll see how it goes.
Yesterday I prodded myself into the truck for a run to Stop & Shop, then the library and Provisions, then the transfer station.
We moved five more boxes from the garage to the house, all Ron’s stuff.
Watched three quarters’ worth of the Kansas City/Jacksonville divisional championship game.
Wassail tonight at a local pub I’ve seen dozens of times but thought it was just a seasonal motel. Worth checking out.
Submitted the following to the Department of Public Utilities this morning:
“Since November 24, 2022, over 8 weeks ago, I’ve asked National Grid to provide my bills and energy usage, either by mail, email or online. They claim it’s an IT problem, which they supposedly submitted for evaluation on January 3.
“Their website does not allow me to change my contact information, account status or financial transactions. Their website does not allow me to pay bills online. Starting January 3, I’ve made calls almost daily to their customer service department, but they haven’t solved this problem.
“I hope you can help me!”
I was on the phone three times today with Rockland, first to get their approval of two transfers of funds to Greylock; second, to get instructions on removing third party accounts; and third, to look into a weird situation with a check that cleared on December 8 but which the receiving bank claimed was returned “insufficient funds”.
I set up mobile banking for Greylock but wasn’t able to deposit the refund check from National Grid. It worked fine for Rockland.
Have not yet received a refund from vinsearchusa.net
Got Ron signed up at the Harvard Pilgrim website. Actually, he was signed up but I didn’t have his password so had to reset it. He still hasn’t looked for a doctor.
Been snowing off and on, but it doesn’t seem to be freezing on the roads.
HELOC is on its way to Greylock underwriting. Terms are confusing, they won’t close the loan until all estimates are in.
Still haven’t found the rest of the linens.
Dragged in five cardboard boxes from the garage. Most of it is Ron’s stuff, for him to go through. He’s already unearthed a Goofy hat.
We hope the electrician will be back next week to take care of the others.
He fixed the outlets in the upstairs bathroom and master bedroom. The fan in the bedroom was incorrectly installed. What a surprise.
I had to reset one of the circuit breakers; glad it was easy, this breaker box is easier to understand than the one at Dixon.
After a productive morning, I didn’t do much in the afternoon except for a beer, wine and snack run.
Did talk with a couple of people over the last two days about solar.
Slept in my clothes from 8 to 4. Bad dream about a humiliating job interview.
Ron was just crabbing at me about something in the yard, part of a landscaping project I have in mind.
This bitching and criticism in spite of the fact that he refuses to clean up his piles of junk is something we’ve talked about, many times. I told him if he doesn’t like it here, leave.
We can use toilet paper again: wahoo.
The sewer line wasn’t just clogged, it was split almost in two. The backhoe driver was nice enough to dig up a gone-by bush nearby. They saved some big stones for decorative use.
Carpenter had to cancel, his child is very sick, may be pneumonia. Scary times with all the pulmonary illnesses around for young kids. Hope she’ll be well soon.
Poor Ron worked like a dog to put together the CD shelving that I bought. It was one of the worst pieces of knock-down furniture I’ve ever seen, and I apologized, profusely. After getting the OK from Home Depot online customer service, Ron returned it, unassembled, to the Bennington store.
More grief from National Grid over their nonfunctional website. I paid the February bill over the phone. Spoke with a very professional supervisor who tried to help me. It’s been over two weeks since they reported the malfunction to their IT department on January 3.
Ryan and his crew are stripping the roof over the bedroom.
A1 phoned earlier, said they’d be dropping off equipment and hoped to get started today.
Joe the carpenter texted last evening, said he’d be over tomorrow.
If all of this happens, it’ll be a big step forward.