
We can use toilet paper again: wahoo.

The sewer line wasn’t just clogged, it was split almost in two. The backhoe driver was nice enough to dig up a gone-by bush nearby. They saved some big stones for decorative use.

Carpenter had to cancel, his child is very sick, may be pneumonia. Scary times with all the pulmonary illnesses around for young kids. Hope she’ll be well soon.

Poor Ron worked like a dog to put together the CD shelving that I bought. It was one of the worst pieces of knock-down furniture I’ve ever seen, and I apologized, profusely. After getting the OK from Home Depot online customer service, Ron returned it, unassembled, to the Bennington store.

More grief from National Grid over their nonfunctional website. I paid the February bill over the phone. Spoke with a very professional supervisor who tried to help me. It’s been over two weeks since they reported the malfunction to their IT department on January 3.