
I was on the phone three times today with Rockland, first to get their approval of two transfers of funds to Greylock; second, to get instructions on removing third party accounts; and third, to look into a weird situation with a check that cleared on December 8 but which the receiving bank claimed was returned “insufficient funds”.

I set up mobile banking for Greylock but wasn’t able to deposit the refund check from National Grid. It worked fine for Rockland.

Have not yet received a refund from

Got Ron signed up at the Harvard Pilgrim website. Actually, he was signed up but I didn’t have his password so had to reset it. He still hasn’t looked for a doctor.

Been snowing off and on, but it doesn’t seem to be freezing on the roads.

HELOC is on its way to Greylock underwriting. Terms are confusing, they won’t close the loan until all estimates are in.

Still haven’t found the rest of the linens.

Dragged in five cardboard boxes from the garage. Most of it is Ron’s stuff, for him to go through. He’s already unearthed a Goofy hat.