This week, I’ve had a triple dose of the grandkids, which has been great, but, boy, am I feeling my age tonight.
Then again, the recent weather hasn’t helped (more on that below).
Fact – and Fiction
CNN and published a story yesterday about yet another research study – this one, by econ professors Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University – that proves, once again, the advantage that good-looking people have in the workplace, or maybe it’s more the disadvantage the rest of us mere mortals haul around like a dead carcass.
More Damp
After a picture-perfect July 4th weekend, we seem to be back in a pattern of soggy weather, which is great for evergreens, but can be nasty for flowers.
War Zone
I have some sociopathic neighbors who think it’s fun to set off fireworks until well after 10 or even 11:00.
Here’s a suggestion, meatheads: if you like the sound of bombs so much, why don’t you take yourselves to Afghanistan, or even better, Iraq.
And as for the loud-mouthed punk who was on Route 28 tonight and pulled in to one of those low-rent condos by the dump: I’m really REALLY sorry I didn’t make life better for the rest of us by following you the rest of the way home and crushing your ignorant, worthless ass into a blob of insensate protoplasm – sort of like the goo that sloshes around in that Neanderthal skull of yours.
Then again, I’m glad I didn’t soil my new truck.
Third of July
The annual Fourth of July party at Bonnie’s parents’ house has come and gone, a much-looked-forward-to event which features Bonnie’s colorful family, tons of food and drink, recorded and live music and a sublime setting.
July Fourth Weekend 2005
The boys stayed over on Friday night and we had a busy Saturday, starting with breakfast and later, a swim in Candy’s pool (I spaced on taking photos). We had all kinds of equipment in the pool – boogie boards, floaties, and a beach ball.
To Heck With ‘Em
I’ve tried – for years – to figure out how to develop a tech biz with customers on Cape Cod.
In the course of meeting lots of IT people much smarter than I, a common pattern has emerged: they live here, but they don’t have clients here.
Good Truck
Made a second transfer station run today with the Tacoma, what a pleasure to get rid of stuff that’s been sitting in the back yard for almost 4 years.
It’s raining, and the gardeners and landscapers are happy, if not the parents of schoolkids on their first day of summer vacation.
It’s been weeks since we’ve had rain, and this is a good, soaking one that comes, luckily, a day after the local Pro-Am.
It’s been hot since I got back from California, and today felt like one of the worst. I’ve got two glasses of iced tea going, and my computer keyboard is acting a little strangely.
Glad today was the last day of school for the kids, and I’ll bet their teachers are even happier.