Third of July

The annual Fourth of July party at Bonnie’s parents’ house has come and gone, a much-looked-forward-to event which features Bonnie’s colorful family, tons of food and drink, recorded and live music and a sublime setting.

Bonnie’s folks and her sister and her family live in a big house in Cromesett right on the water, and the kids and I take full advantage. It’s an easy walk to a swimming beach, an estuary, a colony of Hermit crabs, an osprey nest and as Bob described it, a mini-Cape that is easily reached by a shallow wade when the tide is out.
It’s a nice crowd, including friends and neighbors, and this year, the age range was from 5 1/2 weeks to late 80’s.
It’s a lot of work for Bonnie’s father, mother, sister and brother-in-law, but they seem to enjoy it. As James said, “Grandpa would be happy if everyone in the world came to his party,” and I do believe he’s right.