Fact – and Fiction

CNN and CareerBuilder.com published a story yesterday about yet another research study – this one, by econ professors Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University – that proves, once again, the advantage that good-looking people have in the workplace, or maybe it’s more the disadvantage the rest of us mere mortals haul around like a dead carcass.

Continue reading Fact – and Fiction

War Zone

I have some sociopathic neighbors who think it’s fun to set off fireworks until well after 10 or even 11:00.
Here’s a suggestion, meatheads: if you like the sound of bombs so much, why don’t you take yourselves to Afghanistan, or even better, Iraq.
And as for the loud-mouthed punk who was on Route 28 tonight and pulled in to one of those low-rent condos by the dump: I’m really REALLY sorry I didn’t make life better for the rest of us by following you the rest of the way home and crushing your ignorant, worthless ass into a blob of insensate protoplasm – sort of like the goo that sloshes around in that Neanderthal skull of yours.
Then again, I’m glad I didn’t soil my new truck.


It’s raining, and the gardeners and landscapers are happy, if not the parents of schoolkids on their first day of summer vacation.
It’s been weeks since we’ve had rain, and this is a good, soaking one that comes, luckily, a day after the local Pro-Am.

Continue reading Rain


It’s been hot since I got back from California, and today felt like one of the worst. I’ve got two glasses of iced tea going, and my computer keyboard is acting a little strangely.
Glad today was the last day of school for the kids, and I’ll bet their teachers are even happier.