Sitting in Nonna’s kitchen one day, I realized with surprise that although she loved all of us, her first grandchild, Paul, had a special place in her heart.
We were grown up by then, and when Paul dropped by unexpectedly during a workday, she rushed to her stove to cook up one of her much-coveted savory meals because “Paul needs to have lunch”.
Video Games and Us Girls
It’s a source of personal embarassment that I, with a son who is a recognized expert on video games, never play the things.
A New Low
With Karl Rove sinking ever-deeper into the cesspool called the Plame scandal, and the Administration’s would-be distraction, John Roberts, stumbling over the subject of abortion in an informal meeting with Sen Richard Durbin ((D-Ill.) last week, are any of us surprised that Dubya is planning to attend a high-visibility memorial service tomorrow?
Secret of the Montauks
I have an alternate reality that, in a certain light or summer air, pokes a hole in this one. It’s the parallel universe in which I did graduate from Brown, married a jerk who nonetheless made a very good living that enabled the purchase of a second home, had kids driven neurotic by the fact that their parents hated each other, got a divorce by reason of (his) adultery, and received the Montauk house, my designated place of privacy and solace, in the settlement.
Too D*d Hot
We’ve had days of misery, heat and humidity, and it feels like weeks since it’s been decent weather for any kind of outdoor activity.
Cape Cod Technology Workshop
I’ve been mulling around the idea for an after-school technology program for kids 9-12 (grades 3-6) for a while, and filed a business application yesterday at Town Hall.
Gardener’s Diary
Surprise, surprise: the beach rose has a SECOND bloom, first time in three years.
Motivation for Macworld
If it hadn’t been for a promise to deliver an iPod, I probably wouldn’t have made the trip to Macworld/Boston yesterday, but as it turns out, I’m so glad I did.
This week, I’ve had a triple dose of the grandkids, which has been great, but, boy, am I feeling my age tonight.
Then again, the recent weather hasn’t helped (more on that below).
Fact – and Fiction
CNN and published a story yesterday about yet another research study – this one, by econ professors Daniel Hamermesh of the University of Texas and Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University – that proves, once again, the advantage that good-looking people have in the workplace, or maybe it’s more the disadvantage the rest of us mere mortals haul around like a dead carcass.