Predictions – Update

Guess I was wrong about Michael Brown, he didn’t (at least not yet) receive a medal for his mishandling of the post-Katrina relief efforts.
While Bush did get an incomprehensible bump in one poll for his mis-handling of the crisis, it was short-lived: now, only 39% of those surveyed by AP-Ipsos are fools and idiots.

The same poll showed that two-thirds of those surveyed said the country is headed in the wrong direction.
Seems increasing gas prices brought at least some people to their senses; apparently nothing else in list of horrors over the last four and a half years had the same impact.
Off-topic but still somewhat on point: yesterday during the monthly meeting of a local business group, someone asked what individuals can do about environmental crises, like global warming, response to natural disasters, etc.
Here’s a thought: since we’re stuck with big government, encourage your Congresspeople to reallocate funds for local projects into public works that address a greater need.
One example would be the Army Corps of Engineers Visitors Center on the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich, a town on the Upper Cape.
Now, I love the Visitors Center. It is a sublime spot, providing public access to a view that could otherwise only be achieved by the accumulation of great personal weath.
Further, it provides educational programs and exhibits, plus a well thought-out bookstore, that benefits adults as well as kids.
Still, if it’s necessary to sacrifice the Visitors Center to build infrastructures that save lives – the trade-off is obvious.
Rather than abandoning the Visitors Center altogether, perhaps a group of local citizens could try to find a private sector funding source to maintain it.
The alternative is to charge an admission fee to offset operating costs.
Just a thought.