It’s the day after Labor Day, 55 degrees and the Mashpee kids are going back to school.
My neighbor across the street had a blow-out party this past weekend, the same day as the annual Falmouth “Pops Goes the Summer” concert and fireworks.
Expensive, but What a Great Product
I wash the windows in my house every 3 years or so, whether they need them or not.
Win Some, Lose Some
Well, I was WAY off in my prediction that Bush would nominate Scalia for Chief Justice.
But two out of three ain’t bad: thanks to Peter for this little tidbit about the only company in the world that can repair a roof or remove debris.
The third prediction (so far) that came true: Bush did get a bounce in popularity for his fake “handling” of the Katrina aftermath.
So, I’ve Started a School….
When I was a kid, maybe 17, I wanted to start a school. When I was an even littler kid, I wanted to be a teacher.
I got to teach for one semester at the University of California/Berkeley, a night class in Employee Benefits. Some students loved the class, some hated it, and I guess that’s about par for the course.
Otis and Katrina
It was announced yesterday that 2,500 evacuees from the Houston Astrodome and the San Antonio Alamodrome will be relocated to Otis Air Force Base.
Some of these people may chose to stay in Massachusetts when the 30-60 day “Operation Helping Hand” ends. (Note: later reports are that the “guests” will be staying until March.)
The S-Factor
As I posted a day or two ago, I’m waiting for a couple of things to happen, post-Katrina:
– An announcement naming one or more Halliburton subsidiaries as sole source contractors for rebuilding New Orleans (like Iraq, the argument will be made that no other company on earth can do the job) and
– An uptick in Bush’s popularity rating because people think his hugs, kisses and patronizing comments to photogenic Hurricane victims looked “Presidential” or “sincere” or “Godly” (please forgive me, God).
Furthermore, I predict that Congress will, in fact, vote to keep the repeal of the Estate Tax permanent; that the heads of Homeland Security and FEMA will receive some kind of White House award or recognition, like the Medal of Freedom; and that Antonin Scalia will be named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Good For You, Kanye West
And shame, SHAME on the toadies at NBC – including that self-righteous apologist prig, Matt Lauer – for cutting off Kanye’s emotional, anti-Bush speech during last night’s “Concert for Hurricane Relief”.
Route 66
Thanks to a gift from Peter some birthday or Christmas ago, I was listening to the Manhattan Transfer’s cover of “Route 66”, a song written by Bobby Troup way back in 1946, which happens also to be the year I was born.
Chicken Parts and the Sadies
My neighbor across the street is throwing a Labor Day party tomorrow. She has the prerequisites: a big house, a big yard, a pool, a well-paying job, and an outgoing, inclusive personality.
What About the Next One?
The public is reeling, and will be for a long time to come, as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
But it is just about certain that there will be another hurricane making landfall before this year is over – and it could be another major (category 4 or 5) storm. Is ANYONE preparing for it?