“The Mosquito” Explains It All

When my youngest grandchild (aged 6) comes to visit, he brings a sibling to serve as “translator” because at least half the time, I can’t understand what he is saying.
Indian and some Chinese speakers drive me up the wall. Inscrutable is one thing; incomprehensible is another.
I watch the “Seth Cohen” character on “The OC” move his mouth, but am oblivious to the witty dialogue which my son greatly enjoys.
What do these things have in common?

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The little boys were here two nights ago and most of yesterday, but the high point of their visit came at the very end, when I drove them around their neighborhood in the truck.
This was a consolatory gesture, since it was impossible to do any outdoor activity because of the rain, and we got the animal shelter too late for the visit I’d promised. Besides, I figured it was equivalent to a hay ride, without the hay, and that used to be permitted before the Association had to cancel for lack of funds.

Continue reading Grandsons

Memorial Day Weekend

It was predicted to be a loser, but the weather so far as been good this unofficial start of the summer.
Memorial day brings garden pests and the start of bitching season, a high-pitched whine ending around Labor Day about the “hordes” of tourists, most of whom, truth be told, are a good deal nicer than the natives.

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