Not Bad At All

The wedding I blogged about a couple of days ago was a very classy, high-style event.
I got to sit with P&B, plus some old family friends. The band WAS good, the setting WAS sublime, and the bride and groom were happy and gracious.
My sister and brother-in-law really REALLY know how to throw a party, and their kids are savvy enough to have hooked up with in-laws who also have made entertaining a fine art.


I have a casual friend in her mid forties who’s been on the dating treadmill since her divorce four years ago.
This lady owns her own home outright, the market value of which is somewhere around 3/4 of a million dollars. She’s gainfully employed and her kids are pretty much finished with their college educations.
She’s in reasonable health, attractive and has a newish automobile.
And she’s always, perpetually miserable about (you guessed it) some man.

Continue reading Moonie


Emme built and programmed her first Mindstorms robot this past weekend.
She worked for hours on the construction of the Roverbot and finished all 7 of the introductory and advanced workshops in the Robotics Invention System 2.0 series.

Continue reading Robots