Gardener’s Diary

Rain, finally.
It’s been foggy the latter part of the week, but we only got about 1/4 inch as of yesterday afternoon, earlier weather systems having missed us entirely.

I transplanted the beach grass I put in four years ago and would be heartsick if it didn’t “take”. Thinking about getting rid of the fairy rose, which has been devoured once again – for all its formidable thorns, it has no resistance to bugs, unlike some more fragile-looking plants.
It was pleasant to come back to the Cape this week from the office. The leaves are still that new green, maybe a second growth from the gypsy and tent moth deforestations, and the byways have been rich and welcoming as a result.
Having pushed to finish a project at the office, I can enjoy the weekend with a clear conscience. Started it off last night with wine and cheese, “Lightning in a Bottle”, and stayed awake through all of it, which was lucky, I would hate to have missed Ang