HEAT Loan App, Senior Center Lunch and Lecture, New Garden

With help from a very savvy person at MassSave, I got the loan app completed and submitted online. The worst part was editing the .pdf application.

We attended a helpful lecture on legal concerns for elders and enjoyed a pizza lunch at the senior center.

Picked up the Dune 2 DVD on reserve at the library.

Weeded and raked a bed for the wild pollinator seed kit we picked up yesterday. Sowed, tamped down and lightly watered the seeds after lunch and put up the sign.

Ron fussed a bit with the front hose; I will need it.

Brief rain shower late afternoon.

Left shoulder hurt.

Inspection, Pollinator Favorite Plant Giveaway

The solar panel inspection went very well and as a bonus, the inspector gave me a reason to get after Ron to clear his junk in front of the subpanel in the garage.

While waiting for Ron to get ready to go out, I cleaned the downstairs bathroom.

We traveled to the Mt. Greylock visitor center for a giveaway of Pollinator favorites. We were lucky, they’d had a late start so there were plenty of plants to choose from. I brought home seeds and two plants, foxglove and Echinacea and put them in the corner garden next to soakers. I may move them, just wanted to get them out of their containers.

We had lunch at the Food Project.

We are looking at possible thunderstorms later and more rain through the weekend. So after lunch Ron much to his credit mowed, front and back.

I emailed Burpee some photos of two of the plants they sent which are having problems.

Cottonwood Seeds, Transfer Station Runs, Garage Door Stuck (Again), Remedy Hall

Electrical inspection is scheduled for tomorrow.

Visited Remedy Hall for the first time and boy, was I impressed! Dropped off the bag of window treatments and other useable items and brought home a pretty lamp for the third bedroom.

We made transfer station runs yesterday and this morning. Dropped off the two old metal chairs and other metal objects. Inching toward getting the sun porch organized.

Yesterday we experienced a blizzard of cottonwood seeds while we were sitting on the patio.

I grabbed some daylily clumps from a house on Hall Street and potted them today.

Made a Mediterranean/Greek-style potato salad and hard boiled eggs for lunch.

Met with a mini split contractor. Their proposal is a lot more than the ones we’ve received. He shared some good information on Mass Save rebates which I hadn’t heard before. I put off our planned meeting with another contractor to see if I can get some info on rebate options.

I am sitting at the big desk in the third bedroom with the a/c on full blast. It is hot and humid outside and even getting disgusting downstairs.

I have forgotten what the deck looked like in Mashpee. Our Williamstown deck is starting to look like home: tomato plants and daylilies in pots, a railing planter, wind chimes, umbrella table and chairs.

We may be in for six straight days of rain.


Brought home some tomato plants that were left over from the Pine Cobble School fundraiser. Gave two to Alyssa, maybe for the boys to mind.

Ron finished the gutters.

Online conversation with a mini-split contractor. Email correspondence with a member of the Against Qualified Immunity group.

Insight installed the panels and they look great in spite of the “wavy” condition of the house roof.

After not locating 5-gallon pots nearby, I spent a couple of hours mixing soil and amendments for the tomatoes. Got four potted in saved containers that I hope will be “good enough”. Found another table in the back shed to keep them off the deck floor. Watered the three flower gardens.

Waubeeka, BAAMS

Spent part of yesterday afternoon listening to the BAAMS faculty and student vocalists at the Waubeeka clubhouse. Gorgeous views of the fairways. Delighted to hear one student in particular whom I met last winter and whose voice and delivery are better than good!

I transplanted some daylilies into a big planter, hoping for the best.

Washed the two chaises.

Ron’s been cleaning gutters.

Ron got his COVID and Shingrix shots yesterday. I did a small shop at BigY.

Ron got very drunk yesterday but incredibly didn’t hurt himself.

CVS: Covid-19, Shingrix

Had a couple of other errands, so made an appointment for inoculations at the North Adams CVS. Need to go back for an updated Pneumonia shot.

What a difference from the horrible Williamstown Walgreens pharmacy! The staff was helpful and friendly and the pharmacist was top notch.

After missing two of them, Ron actually kept an appointment with his eye doctor’s office. He’s due back next week for the results of today’s exam.

I got some post-shot arm exercise by washing out almost 40 flower pots for recycling. Ron did a redemption run. We dropped off the pots at the transfer station recycling bin and then stopped at the library so Ron could return six very late DVDs. No fines!

So far, it’s been a very good week and a good way to end the month. June coming up.

ZOOMing with AAQI; Trump Convicted; Medicare Wellness Visit

Good conversation last night with three other people, two staffers from the Institute for Justice and a community activist from NYC, about the book Shielded: How the Police Became Untouchable.

Earlier in the day, I had lunch at the Food Project; it was mobbed, maybe because it’s end of month?

Had a fine meeting, actually my annual Medicare Wellness appointment, with a charming, intelligent, well-informed LPN at Williamstown Medical. She advised me to get updated inoculations. We went through the Mass. Advanced Directive Form line by line; she suggested verbiage for instructions when I’m terminal. Dr. Kahn called to say hello. I was there for an hour and half, grabbed lunch afterwards at the hospital cafeteria.

Emptied and washed the recycling bins and made a trip to the transfer station with a truck full of yard leavings. Happy to get this done midweek. Ron put leaves and other “brown” in the composter and chatted with the boys while they were on their trampoline.

Today we went to a discussion/lecture about dementia at Sweetwood, part of the Harper Center’s series.

I was hysterical with joy at Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts. Gutsy jury; may they live long and prosper.

Insight Came and Left

We had a good rainstorm last night.

We went to the Senior Center for lunch and a discussion of Advanced Directives that included a fair amount of information that was new to me at least.

Afterwards we dropped by to see Linnea who is expecting to be discharged in about three weeks and picked up peanut butter at S&S.

The Insight crew was gone by the time we got back. Waiting to hear when they’ll return.

This morning I picked up a discussion group book at the library. Inspired by the volunteer gardeners who were working on the pollinator plots, I emptied the 10-gallon bucket and bagged weeds and invasives at home. I put the chunks of turf that were in the wheelbarrow on a tarp to dry and cleaned up the poor wheelbarrow, which has been outside for a couple of weeks.

Working; Libertarians Boo Trump

Made the bed, put away the laundry. Watered. Dug up weeds and trimmed a random woody plant that was choking the astilbe on the SW side of the house. Placed the ant traps under the sink.

Ron put up the clever wooden jar lid loosening device that was a house warming gift. Works beautifully.

Proud of my Libertarian brethren for booing the non-Libertarian Trump at our national convention. It made the news in all quarters. Turns out, four of us voted in the Williamstown primaries this year.

Spent a couple of hours visiting open studios at Greylock, Norad and Eclipse Mills. My favorite artist was in and I gushed unsparingly. I’d like to go back for small works, need cash to spare the artists the expense of bank card processing.

Made a nice salad (took an hour from start to cleanup, appalling), baked french fries and grilled burgers for supper.

My study is very comfortable with the A/C on.