Forget Me Nots; Forget? Me: Not!

Pruned and unintentionally weeded Forget Me Nots from the back yard gardens: corner, oval, two sections of next-to-the-deck. Shoes, socks, shorts and shirt covered in seeds. As a curious neighbor passed by, scowling, on a motorcycle, I tried dumping some in front of the house, we’ll see.

Watered the next-to-the-deck garden.

Trump and his henchperson Kellyanne Conway ran a scam in Detroit, claiming that 8,000 Black people attended his appearance in a Black church which holds maybe 500, isn’t a Black church and anyway the “congregation” was mostly White.

It was 80 degrees when I came in, think the cloud cover is helping us a little. I’m afraid of the heat to come, days in the 90’s. Seems a shame our son has a house on the Cape but it would not occur to them to invite us.

Wait a minute, what was I thinking?!

Ron mowed front and back yard. We did a shop at S&S. French toast with leftover frozen white bread for breakfast.