Rainy Sunday; Spring Forward

Started as snow and sleet. Luckily, I’d grabbed the paper beforehand.

Changed the clocks. Made breakfast for us.

Did about 20 minutes on the treadmill at the gym.

Corresponded with a helpful person on jobs in Seattle.

Downloaded a book on ASP.NET Core. Upgraded VS2017, added a Web project that had somehow gotten lost. Deleted another, a sample that was ridiculously complicated.

Did laundry, changed sheets.

Started notes for the meeting with Larry on Friday.

Saving on Cell Phones

We, mostly Ron because it’s his account, have succeeded in reducing our cell phone charges by half.

I am angry that we’ve overpaid for a year or more.

We were considering switching to Sprint but Credo gave us a deal almost as good, without the bother of changing anything.

We splurged a bit on lunch today, but not by much. We split a vegetarian plate from a new local restaurant. It was quite good, and spiced enough for Ron that he didn’t need to add to it.

Ron put up the third shelf in the downstairs closet.

I did a 20 minute walk around the Commons this evening and then some strength exercises at home while we were watching “Midsomer”.

Fixed a permissions issue with MRS and did text revisions on a couple of pages.

Skipped a meeting and a standout today.

Fine Garden

Our local NPR station ran a story about Josh Leveque and his family’s garden overlooking Little Harbor in Woods Hole

He recommended the following vegetables:

Boston or a Bibb lettuce called Nancy in spring. In summer, they grow Batavian lettuce (aka summer crisps or French crisps): Nevada and one called Magenta.

He recommends Dagon Brussels sprouts, red Russian kale, delicata squash, and old European and Japanese carrots.

I made brownies today and defrosted spinach, veg burgers and spanikopita for lunch.

Full Day


We shoveled and Ron ran the snow blower following a 2-3 inch snowfall.

We started week 5 with Fit and Strong and grabbed supper at Falmouth Eats Together at the Jewish Congregation.
Afterwards, we gave Robert a lift home.

Alpha sent pix with the pendant and Ami!

GERD all day for me. Snow stopped it, finally.

New FB group is a disappointment. I may just shut it down. Good email from Phyllis about Ron Beaty and a fine vid from Liberty Chalkboard with sample questions from the citizenship exam.


I made cookies; Ron ate them.

Ron dropped off the excise tax checks to Town Hall.

Cleaned up Google and Yahoo emails.

Mild interest from a couple of recruiters.

Fit And Strong

Ron and I finished week 4. I collapsed around 7:30 last night.

Brought the truck in for compressor replacement yesterday, but the part was defective, so it got fixed today. Unfortunately, cost a lot more than I’d planned.

“Cape & Islands Forum” has 98 members.

Trinity installed the critter guards. Ron found a flaw and fixed it.

Made heavy random vegetable soup for lunch and stir fry for supper.

Fixed an MRS bug.

House voted to overturn the fake emergency.

Truck; a Little Snow

On my way to Falmouth on Route 28, I heard a sound like loud burst of static, followed by a foul smell.

Pulled over and parked at West Falmouth Square and saw that there was a light smoke, like exhaust, coming from the hood.

Called the Falmouth Fire Department. They sent two trucks, looked under the hood, decided I was not a danger to local businesses and disconnected the battery.

What they didn’t realize is that by disconnecting the battery, they made it impossible to shift into Neutral. That is, until the AAA driver showed me a trick.

AAA sent a truck in less than an hour. Driver was great and agreeable. We stopped at the West Falmouth Market so I could get money from an ATM for a tip, which he well deserved.

The driver brought me and the truck to Falmouth Toyota, and they gave me a ride home.

I’d been calling Ron non-stop, forgetting that he was going to shovel. He did the driveway, deck, walkway and front stairs. I offered to spell him for a few minutes to make paths to the trash and compost containers.

The people at the standout got splashed by a fool with a plow. Word is they got his plate number.

Sunday Walk

We were out for 40 minutes or so, from the high school to the path through the Wildlife Refuge down to the power lines, and collected a bag full of trash.

We’d done the laundry, beds and transfer station beforehand.

Ron has lost 20 pounds!