Sick and Weak; Leaves

We’ve both been hosed by “Fit and Strong”, Ron because of his knee and me because of my ankle.

We’ve been stubbornly over-active, too. I made 8 quick bread loaves on Saturday from the remaining 6.4 pounds of free pumpkin.

Then on Sunday, Ron did yeoman’s work on the yard, removing leaves from almost all the beds. I finished up the beds around the deck today.

We did laundry and changed sheets on Sunday, but put off transfer station until Wednesday.

Ron had a brief eye appointment today to get photos taken. We saw Dr. Craig-Muller yesterday about his knee. He has an appointment with a new orthopedist on Thursday.

I’m gobsmacked by the young men who work at Andy’s. I was in there on Sunday evening for chowder and was irritated with a woman behind the counter.

I dropped by today to talk with the manager. Fortunately, he wasn’t there. I say this because the other employees assured me that they don’t allow her to bother them. The grands have said the same thing to me.

Is that what life is like for non-adoptees?!!

Week 8 Done of Fit and Strong

Class was good today, even though I had a minor fit of GERD.

One of the gents celebrated his 90th birthday last Saturday, and he shared a box of premium chocolates with us. Superb.

I cleaned up the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher this morning, then picked up transfer station materials at Edgewater. We did the run around 12:30.

Ron brought home a pile of bagels from the Senior Center.

I raked out the front and back of the fence and the corner garden. Need the leaf blower to finish; wish we had a vacuum.

Quaker 8’s

We spent the evening in the gorgeous dining room of an antique home in North Falmouth, in the company of gracious, interesting Friends who welcomed us “newcomers”.

As usual, I’m impressed with Ron’s ability to read social cues. He fits in most everywhere.

I made chili, and it was well-received. We brought home leftovers and a slice of superb lemon cake.

We had a full week. Got in a couple of 30 minute walks as well as Fit and Strong class. After our walk on Saturday afternoon, it was mild enough for us to get pleasantly loaded on the deck.

I wrote 3 emails on Roger’s behalf to Republican colleagues. Unsurprisingly, no responses yet.

Started a project to analyze voting patterns in Mashpee and have been working on revisions to Jim’s “Specials” page.

Shining Sea Bike Path; BBC

We met today at R&C’s home for suggestions on how to introduce Compassion and Choices legislation to my fellow Republicans.

Afterwards, we walked for close to half an hour on the bike path and, remembering it’s 2-fers at BBC, stopped for pizza.

Like idiots, we forgot to add in the value of the second pizza when we figured the tip. Ron cheerfully drove to Kenyon’s for beer and cash, and we went back to the restaurant to make it up to our waitress, who was excellent.

I’m getting calls and emails about work and am enjoying going through my ad hoc study program for newer techniques. The code I saw in the summer and fall of 2017 is making a lot more sense.

Meeting, Gym and DQ

I had, from somewhere, a 2 for 1 coupon for the Falmouth DQ, which opened yesterday, so Ron and I got sundaes after veg lasagna for lunch. We drove back via the ocean and stopped at Kenyon’s for provisions.

Earlier, I attended Quaker meeting and cashed in my $100 scratch ticket at Stop & Shop.

Did a 12 minute or so walk at Wood Neck beach, then about 18 minutes total of rowing and treadmill at Anytime Fitness in Falmouth.

Nice Late Winter Day

Wild weather last night, but fine today.

Ron brought out his power washer to clean the bird bath.

I attended a meeting of the Cape Cod MAiD group at the Jewish Congregation this past week. Meeting with another woman in the group who’s also from Mashpee on Monday.

Have been working on guitar chords and making notes on the March 4 BOS meeting on affordable/Affordable housing.

Met with Larry yesterday; great news on our state and federal taxes.

Gave a card and Amazon gift cert to James yesterday for his 19th birthday.

Went out with Cindy, Cathy and Ron for drinks at Casa Vallarta. They gave me a scratch ticket worth $100 for my birthday!


Ron made a stir-fry last night and brought home the drinks and dessert: sauvignon blanc, Irish cream and pastries from Washashore.

He also cut my hair and today, put the new doorknob on the bathroom and hung up a clip spring bar in the closet to hold the Shop Vac accessories.

Nice new photo of Livy online. We look a lot alike. If only….


“The feeling can be caused by several different situations, however, they all involve a sense of injustice or wrongdoing from an individual. For example, public humiliation, constant discrimination or prejudice, being taken advantage of, feeling unrecognized, envy and jealousy can all result in resentment. “


Peter and Ron got into a big fight yesterday.

“This advice would never work with a narcissist. Not ever. The more you show love toward them, the more they hate you.”

“If you think you are in a relationship with a narcissist, get out. If the narcissist is your mother or some other person you can’t eliminate from your life completely, accept them for who they are. They will not change. They don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. They think you are the problem. Trying to avoid facing the truth that this person is not ever going to give you what you need is easier, but it’s only going to fuel their fire and make you feel like a doormat. The alternative, acceptance, is harder, but it works. Accept that they will never change. Accept that you will never get love from them. And accept that you deserve love and can get it, from someone else.”

“Narcissistic people gives others the cold shoulder when they do not get what they want from them. Be very aware of this. This is emotional abuse. There is other sorts of abuse from narcissistic people too. Be very aware of them. There can be any sort of abuse, from verbal to intellectual abuse with narcissistics.”