Two Standouts

Demo’d with M2R in Falmouth (Dennis didn’t happen) and with the coyote protectors in Hyannis, the latter with Ron, who was cold and wanted to quit after about 37 minutes.

Ron had something to return, so we stopped off at Trader Joe’s and Christmas Tree Shop. Bought salad vegetables, several bags of trail mix, coffee, wine and scones, on-sale placemats and a grill lighter.

Anemic (Again); Pumpkin Bread

Ron was able to give blood yesterday but I again was deferred. 10.1

We picked up my new meds at Walmart and did “Fit & Strong”.

I defrosted 2 pounds of pumpkin and made 3 pumpkin breads. Neither Ron nor I saw the bag of flour that was already in the downstairs frig, so I bought another one at Andy’s. Used an egg substitute and oil instead of butter. The loaves turned out GREAT, better than before. Dropped off a loaf for the gang at iCape.

We did a quick walk at Great Flat Pond Trail at Town Beach before we got rained out.

Cooking Ki

Since we had nothing special planned, like doctor’s appointments or “Fit and Strong”, and we’d loaded up on “used” vegetables a couple of days ago, I’d planned to do some serious cooking today.

Ron did the cleanup after his beer run to Falmouth.

I made two eggplant loaves; a big lasagna with zukes, carrots and red peppers; and brownies from a box.

We did a walk around Sea Mist. Ron managed a mile in 20 minutes, I didn’t.


Snow started around 12:30. At this hour (9:15), it’s rain, but there were local accidents in the meantime.

This rollover on 28 happened around the same time I was heading home from Falmouth.

I had an appointment with Dr. vonHaam at 2. Got there at 1:30, left around 3. By that time, roads were already slick, but I made it home okay.

Think I sorted things out with comboInk and the Babble subscription, which auto-renewed, surprise.

Ron and I moved the lamp that was in his room to the previously unlit corner of the living room.

I was able to lift the lamp up and out pretty easily, but had to cut off the plug because it was jammed behind the big bookcase in the second bedroom. Ron rewired it, and it works very well.

Practiced a little more with the guitar.

Catching Up

Billy installed the light in the second bedroom, and Ron is pleased.

Ron installed a second shelf in the new room closet and patched the hole in the attic floor.

I attended a meeting of the Mashpee Introverts and am still waiting for them to add me to their FB page.

After the Introverts, I drove to Dennis, intending to stand out with the M2R group there, but no one showed up. I messaged Paul and the group leader. Paul offered no explanation, and I haven’t heard anything else.

By good fortune, I stumbled onto a craft fair at the Dennis Senior Center and was entranced by a display of stone and silver jewelry.

I took photos of 9 necklaces and sent them to Emme to pick for her birthday. She liked the pendant style made from a blue bowling ball!

The vendor let me take the necklace with me along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. She said this has worked out well for her, since she doesn’t want to deal with credit cards or PayPal! I mailed her check today.

Today, we dropped off Bonnie’s card and birthday gift and mailed Ella’s birthday cash and card. February is a big month for birthdays: two more to go, Mike’s wife and daughter.

Did a shop at S&S and made out quite well with used produce, as well as some sale items, including veg burgers.

We did the transfer station, changed the sheets and did 2 more loads of laundry and are spending the rest of the afternoon filling out forms for the attorney.

Good Workout; Beltone

We started with our second instructor at Fit and Strong. She gave us a good aerobic workout. Really enjoyed her music, too.

Dusted and vacuumed a little in the bedroom.

Helped Ron sign in to his computer and later on, set up transfers between his banks.

Gave the hibiscus a good dose of organic insecticide.

Sprayed a bleach solution on the black mold in the basement closet.

Practiced chords on the guitar.

Ron went to Beltone and did a bunch of shopping.

We gave Robert a ride home and the three of us laughed our heads off along the way.

Dryer Is Fixed!

We, mostly Ron, managed to get a new belt installed on the dryer. We were able to do a big load, and it worked great.

I made several ridiculous mistakes, for which I apologized. My one good suggestion – to take the door off the front panel – did lighten the panel enough that I was able to mount it on the miserable, stupid clips at the bottom of the machine.

We also got our shipment of furnace filters.

Trying to learn more about football lineups, positions and strategies.

Fixed a couple of bugs in MRS Administration. Getting embarrassing.

Applied for a job with the City of Seattle. Paid a bill. Inquired about the credits I was supposed to receive from a couple of online vendors.

Spectacular Day

Warm enough to work outside without a jacket.

Ron cleaned off some more roof detritus.

I cut down the last grass and did some raking.

NYTimes and Globe don’t give discounts to seniors.

Watched the Patriots parade for a while.

I did some warmups outside and strength exercises in the kitchen.

Have had a headache since I got up. Feels like neck or shoulder.

Ron’s light fixture and the dryer belt arrived today.

Super Bowl Weekend

Two standouts on Saturday, one at Powderhorn and one at Dennis Town Hall.

Billy installed Ron’s new ceiling light fixture. Our prep work helped. Ron is pleased.

Added a channel to Roku that gives us access to Boston-area network television for a one-time contribution.

We were able to watch the Super Bowl. A classic: defense and strategy. Loved the game, so glad we got to see it.

I put out a modest spread: crudites, hummus, cheese, chips, TGIF spinach/artichoke spread.

Ordered a belt for the dryer.

January was a heavy spending month: attorney, light fixture, license AND registration renewal.

Ron was able to shave $40 off our monthly Credo bill.

Attic Floor; Falmouth Eats Together

After “Fit and Strong”, we enjoyed a nice meal and pleasant company at the First Congregational Church last evening. Stopped at the packie on Palmer Ave. for a beer tasting. Ron found a Cape Cod Beer stout to his liking.

Ordered a ceiling light for Ron from Ferguson. Got 10% off.

Ron cut out a piece of the attic floor which should be close to where the fixture will be mounted.

Egg salad for lunch.

We picked up my guitar from Fran: beautiful! I can play it.

Dryer died on the second load around 7:30. Decided it was too late to go to a laundromat, so hung up the wash instead. Ron promised to add more clothesline this weekend.