Rain; Daylilies

Split and planted 3 more daylilies in front of the fence, nine in total.

Made vegetable stew.

Ron finished anchoring the little fence in the corner garden.

Total rain reached normal level for April.

Beltone; Lowe’s; Last Fit & Strong; Falmouth Eats

We were in Wareham for Ron’s “ears”, Lowe’s and lunch at a fast Mexican food place.

Ron got into a long conversation with a Honda ST1300 owner.

I got a nice pair of New Balance sneakers at the LL Bean outlet, 30% off.

We made it back in time for the last Fit & Strong.

I’ve pulled a muscle or something in my right arm.

I got to Falmouth Eats Together as they were packing up, but the people at St. Anthony’s graciously loaded two supper boxes for me. Mexican food, again, but at least Ron and I got to eat. Together.

O.D. Visit; Montauk Pruning

Pruned four Montauks in the morning, then to Edgewater and the Transfer Station.

Worthwhile session with the doc from Fallon.

Ron cut up the trunks and branches he took down the other day.

Ron did a load of laundry.

Beans and poached eggs for supper.

Fence; Greens; Pancakes and Cream Cheese

Made pancakes for Ron. He discovered that adding cream cheese and maple syrup transforms them to sumptuous.

Put up the new little fence this morning and planted greens and carrot seeds. Dug up a couple of asparagus by mistake; not good.

The fence needs adjusting but it’ll keep out leaves for now.

Pruned the autumn clematis. Removed leaves all bloody day. Split a bottle of wine with Ron. Fell asleep watching Midsummer Murders and took a shower afterwards.

Ron is furious that the hose attachments he bought yesterday don’t work as he wants.

I may have reinjured my left hand. Not sure what happened, but for a short while, it hurt like the devil.

Ron grabbed an ice pack for me and made spaghetti for supper.

Em is at Sakura-Con this weekend.

Robert has been interviewing.

James is home for the weekend.

Dog Tired

I dug out seven big clumps of pretty groundcover from one of the vegetable gardens and transplanted them to the hydrangea garden.

We went to Wareham for Ron’s eye tests, then to BK for veg burger meals!

After lunch, we went to Lowe’s for hose attachments (Ron) and a 2 foot fence and metal stakes (me) to keep the leaves out of the corner garden.

I planted beets and radishes. Roasted a smallish butternut squash. The Misfits box arrived early!

Hummer Feeders

Yesterday, I picked up window box flowers, more rabbit repellent and Rose Tone at Mahoneys, 10% off day for old people. Spread the repellent and watered it in.

Today, Ron cleaned, boiled syrup, filled and put out the hummingbird feeders.

I finished planting the flower boxes and the outside viola table arrangement.

Ron did laundry, too, while I sat in on a nice travelogue at the Senior Center about Croatia, including the Dalmatian coast.

We were at the Center yesterday as well, for a Red Sox-themed luncheon.

Earlier, I’d dropped off our yard detritus and picked up transfer station materials at Edgewater. Peter loaded the truck for me, which was good. Ron and I did a run after lunch but having forgotten our trash, he had to go back a second time on his way to Botello for hardware.

Many trips to the Senior Center this week. I made a wreath for Cindy on Tuesday and we’ll be going back again this afternoon for Fit and Strong.

Spock in Vacationland

Americans elect politicians based on looks and charisma, and they have been hiring for technical jobs with the same criteria.

What’s responsible for this?

Peter compared me to Spock this week, an unexpected kindness, in reference to Em’s and me being “on the spectrum”.

Other people don’t think the same way that we do. Em seems to have found a compatible community in Renton.

Aid to Strikers; Yardwork; $0 Sunnova

Ron brought fruit to the Stop & Shop strikers.

I filled the tank at Cumby’s and transferred money to HFCU. It’s going to be a lean month, but at least the annual credit from Sunnova kicked in. I figure it costs us $5/month more to have solar than otherwise, but that doesn’t take into account the credits for overproduction.

Did no programming work or studying today. Did look at job openings.

Started pruning the hydrangeas. The smaller set of three is in pretty good shape. Got through one of the big ones, the rose bushes and some perennials in back.

Ron made supper: baked potatoes and salad. We have a bargain bag of Maine Goldens that are out of this world.

Hydrangea Workshop

I’m giving up on the Mashpee Republicans and the local chapter of Compassion and Choices.

Blew up at a counter person in the wretched lumber section of Botello’s the other day. He gamesed me about availability of fencing materials.

Fine session today at Heritage on hydrangea pruning. Did well by the front ones last Fall, need to do the same this week for the back yard and possibly the new side plantings.

Second pruning should be done mid-May.

Hibiscus is doing well. I’ll put it out when we get consistent overnight temps in the mid- 50’s.

Sat in on this month’s Mashpee Misfits. Made arrangements for a talk on MAiD to be video’d at the next Mashpee Democrats Town Meeting.

Still struggling with Angular. Guess I’m not the only one.

Ron has a new ortho doctor! We squared payment issues away with Harvard Pilgrim. He may have a small fracture. They ordered bloodwork to be sure he doesn’t have an infection. He says it’s better today.

I did attend about half of Fit and Strong last Thursday, left early so I could meet Ron at the ortho’s office. Only three more classes.

Went over the monthly budget, again.

Raked out the two side gardens and weeded the front. Ran out of steam by the end.

Made a nice supper last night: Beyond Meat veg burgers and roasted yams. Beyond Meet costs a fortune, but oh my gosh, Beyond Good.

Alpha completed their first week of work at their new job and is getting ready for a con and friend drop-in next weekend !