First Mow

Ron put air in the wheelbarrow tire and did the first mow of the year.

I did surgery on a poor sedum that had been invaded with yarrow and coreopsis. What a mess! Hope I didn’t kill the patient.

Did a small shop. Synced the checkbooks.

Ron’s Birthday; Heavy Yardwork

Ron dug up a couple of unwanted shrubs at the top of the U. I dugout grass from the bed next to the back deck.

I fed the peonies with triple phosphate.

My truck had exhaust-related engine lights on. Brought it to Midas; Ryan suggested “Guaranteed to Pass” to clean the cat first. Picked up a bottle at Auto Zone; cool cashier! Filled the tank and the additive at Cumby.

Ron had come to Falmouth to drive me home, which turned out not to be necessary.

Turns out, the trip wasn’t wholly a lost cause for him: I talked him into a sundae at Friendly’s, and while I was at Cumby’s, he shopped at Job Lot and the Italian bakery and brought home cannoli.

It’s all a blur after that. I fixed a problem for the school admin site and talked with a recruiter about a job that might either be remote or in Renton. Got an email invite to interview for a job in Falmouth.

We skipped town meeting and fortunately, our votes weren’t needed for the articles that interested us.

Meeting; Tribe; Rainy Sunday

We got a good rain today, should soak in the Holly Tone.

Spent 3 1/2 hours at the meetinghouse. Had a great long discussion with the two facilitators of a discussion group where people speak one at a time but not in response to one another. I think I’m more a Socratic circle person.

One of the young people, Angela, showed me their garden. They’ve done a good job with seeding.

I made us late for the Alice May Lopez statue ceremony, but we did hear the drums, saw people we know, took photos and had a fine meal with a family from the Tribe.

Thanks to Ron, the laundry got done. We changed the sheets.

I installed supports around both peonies.

Holly Tone

We fed the rhodies and all but the front hydrangeas yesterday in preparation for the soaking rain predicted for today.

I stopped in to the Falmouth Commission on Disability’s wellness fair yesterday. I don’t think it was well promoted, just happened to see their sign while I was doing errands.

Picked up a lot of information and plan to follow on with a couple of organizations this week.

Enjoyed a celery, cheese and crackers supper last night.

Rain, Open Rehearsal

It’s raining this morning (thank you). Last night, we attended an open rehearsal of the Cape Cod Symphony, the second largest professional orchestra in Massachusetts.

Ron prompted me to ask a question of the conductor which was praised as “astute”: are warm ups by the musicians needed for their instruments as well as for themselves? Turns out, yes in the case of the horns.

We enjoyed the open rehearsal and got to see our new acquaintance, violinist Deborah B., perform.

No Letter Bomb, No Hate Mail, Grasses

Between the “hunt to kill for fun” gang and the holster sniffers, I figured I am a dead woman.

So far, I am still alive.

Had to run out before anyone else was awake to get toilet paper….

I dug up two big grasses that were pretty dead and transplanted volunteer flowers from the veg patches to make a new garden in one of the two areas. Checked out the stock at the Wholesale Nursery. I’ll wait for sales to fill in the other area.

I fixed a problem with MRS yesterday evening and another with NEPS today.

Saw a concert at Tanglewood in July that I’d love to attend.

Received a box of produce from Misfits: lettuce and tomatoes this time. Made a stew: kale, celery, scallions, red pepper, garlic, squash, sweet potatoes, garbanzos, can of diced tomatoes.

Watered, Baked, Yom HaShoah

Watered the new plantings.

Baked brownies and biscuits.

Went to another hearing, this time about hunting in the Mashpee National Wildlife Preserve. Got thrown under the bus.

Maybe defending the innocent isn’t a bad way to honor those who are commemorated today, Yom HaShoah.

More Transplanting

The daylilies around the mailbox were looking pretty scraggly, so I moved them to the front of both the left and right-hand fences.

I dug up violets from the garden that is supposed to be for herbs and planted them around the mailbox.

All in all, the front looks a lot neater.

We went to the Falmouth Service Center for groceries.

I had some little tests done at the Mashpee Senior Center health fair conducted by the VNA: total cholesterol, balance, blood sugar, blood pressure. Good results all around.

Lavishly praised Jane to her colleagues!

Had a brief chat with the DPW gardeners, who also take care of their own properties. They confirmed that the Town doesn’t use RoundUp.

Yesterday we dropped by the Lanes to meet Shane Clark, who is running for selectman.

We did the usual as well, laundry and changed sheets. At some point we brought yard detritus to the transfer station as well.


He came by this morning! Looks terrific.

I transplanted a forlorn astilbe into the corner garden.

Pruned the rest of the Montauks and raked out a good chunk of the U.

Sauteed a Mexican corn mix, without the cilantro, eggs, cheese and the otherwise inedible Dr. Praeger’s green burgers for breakfast. Excellent.

Finally got mrsAddOns to compile. Had to update VS2017 and add a new mail library, MailKit and MimeKit. Sent the developer $10.