Hummer Feeders

Yesterday, I picked up window box flowers, more rabbit repellent and Rose Tone at Mahoneys, 10% off day for old people. Spread the repellent and watered it in.

Today, Ron cleaned, boiled syrup, filled and put out the hummingbird feeders.

I finished planting the flower boxes and the outside viola table arrangement.

Ron did laundry, too, while I sat in on a nice travelogue at the Senior Center about Croatia, including the Dalmatian coast.

We were at the Center yesterday as well, for a Red Sox-themed luncheon.

Earlier, I’d dropped off our yard detritus and picked up transfer station materials at Edgewater. Peter loaded the truck for me, which was good. Ron and I did a run after lunch but having forgotten our trash, he had to go back a second time on his way to Botello for hardware.

Many trips to the Senior Center this week. I made a wreath for Cindy on Tuesday and we’ll be going back again this afternoon for Fit and Strong.