Drove to the top parking lot and climbed Stone Hill to the pasture and fine views plus two Jack-in-the-pulpits.
I dropped off compost before it got too late.
Ron made a pasta supper; good, too.
Drove to the top parking lot and climbed Stone Hill to the pasture and fine views plus two Jack-in-the-pulpits.
I dropped off compost before it got too late.
Ron made a pasta supper; good, too.
I’ve been trying to clean the glass on the doors, with only limited success.
I’ve had slightly better luck with the upstairs bathroom. It looks much better.
Changed the sheets, and otherwise have been catching up on email. A so-called GoDaddy “messaging guide” punted in broken English when I asked how to download images in Outlook. Works on the server, not on my client; go figure.
Ron’s disgusting gas is filling the whole downstairs. Gag.
Cooler today. Guess there was a frost in some areas last night.
Peter fixed two more delinquent electrical wirings: the 3-way second floor hall light and the floor-level pantry outlet which also controls the electricity in the sunroom.
Ryan checked in for his downpayment.
Ron and I trimmed a little off the forsythia. Awkward place to work. I did some weeding.
Yesterday I tried cleaning the siding with the bleach-based solution from Home Depot. It didn’t seem to work but I did get rid of dirt and insect webs. That chore did provide an excuse to hook up hoses to both outdoor outlets, so I guess it was a good use of time.
This morning Ron and I pruned the very top of the climbing rose from the second story window. Much easier than a ladder!
I brought home pizza from Cumby for lunch: two slices for $3. Can’t beat it.
Did an enjoyable medicinal/edible plant walk at River’s Edge with Wild Soul River and HooRWA.
Norman finished up the bathroom piping project.
In the meantime, we went to Beltone in Albany for a hearing test and fitting of new top of the line hearing aids for Ron.
We enjoyed the ride, took a different route home than planned and it brought us past a couple of landmarks, including a restaurant we’d been told is outstanding, Giovanni’s.
Unfortunately, we can’t eat most of what’s on their menu and anyway there was a 45 minute wait, so we didn’t stay.
We skipped attending Town Meeting in person and opted to watch at least part of it on WilliNet. I’m disappointed in the low quality of the discussion and glad we didn’t go.
I’m feeling a little more optimistic about the progress everyone but us is making on the house. I’ve got the yard pretty well under control except for deciding whether to get rid of the pile of clippings in the corner or use it for compost.
Pruned the poor hydrangea, which was mostly dead wood, leaving about a dozen canes that look like they might have blooms. The small-headed pruners bought last year worked beautifully.
Spread the eighteenth bag of mulch, thus finishing the back garden. Saved two bags for later fill-ins.
Roses look promising. Hollies have tiny flowers.
Treated us to lunch from Water St. Grill: big salad, fried green beans, ciabatta rolls.
Norman started work on the plumbing and drained several cups of horrible-smelling, noxious fluid.
Met with James and talked with Ryan about plans for the second floor bedrooms.
Cindy is a new grandmother! Baby girl arrived today.
Peter messaged that everyone is doing well, including him.
I haven’t been outside at all today, have been working on the ZAI trust application. Sent it off end of day. Almost as bad as a tax return.
Also ran 3 hot water washes – bleach, vinegar, plain water – to deodorize the washing machine.
Beech in the neighbor’s yard has leafed out.
Made three trips to the transfer station and one to compost collection.
Brought the remaining bags of leaves from late winter cleanup, a pallet and garden stakes from the trash corner and branches.
Picked up cookies at the Spring Street “farmers market”.
We drove to Stewart’s for 91 octane gas for the lawn mower. Ron did the back and front yards but mowed over the forget me nots.
I had a yen for prosecco and picked up a couple of splits from Spirits. Ron went a little off the deep end with two beers, Ouzo and Metaxa 7.
Oh, yeah, changed the sheets.
Picked it up today and on the way back stopped at Pedrin’s for ice cream and Uniq Vape for things that made Ron happy.
Visit from Jim P the oil man and his son Chase to gather info for an estimate on the oil tank replacement.
Did more cleanup in the back and two trips to the transfer station. Most of the big vines and branches are gone.
Crafts session at the senior center; made a wind chime out of a tiny flower pot.
Closing tomorrow on HEAT loans. Lined up tentative appointments with plumber and contractor for next week.
The old rocker put on his dancing shoes for Misty Blues at MOCA! I did, too.
Dropped off rose prunings at the transfer station, did more.
Returned a book so depressing that I couldn’t read it to the library.
Met with our loan officer at the credit union. Applied for the no-interest HEAT loans. He started the application for a HELOC in addition to the Green loan. This would fund the second floor bedroom floor project.
Unfortunately, our contractor seems to have made other arrangements, at least for now, although he is willing to do the cellar stairs and get the heat duct out of the way of the door.
Meanwhile the town Building Department is on my rear about the big project, which they want done before the ceiling.
They are lucky I’m not the Town Manager.
It seems that everyone whose hackles I raise is from South Williamstown and they run everything here; noblesse oblige is alive and well.