Plumbing, Beltone

Norman finished up the bathroom piping project.

In the meantime, we went to Beltone in Albany for a hearing test and fitting of new top of the line hearing aids for Ron.

We enjoyed the ride, took a different route home than planned and it brought us past a couple of landmarks, including a restaurant we’d been told is outstanding, Giovanni’s.

Unfortunately, we can’t eat most of what’s on their menu and anyway there was a 45 minute wait, so we didn’t stay.

We skipped attending Town Meeting in person and opted to watch at least part of it on WilliNet. I’m disappointed in the low quality of the discussion and glad we didn’t go.

I’m feeling a little more optimistic about the progress everyone but us is making on the house. I’ve got the yard pretty well under control except for deciding whether to get rid of the pile of clippings in the corner or use it for compost.