Tired, Angry, Curt

Up at 2:30 to help Lizzie get “unstuck”, stayed awake.

Blew my top in a phone message to a (stupid) customer service person.

Emptied more boxes. Found the computer with Ron’s accounts, but no power cord. Suggested he consider going to the Apple store in Albany before the “killer” storm starts. Then I found the power cord! That’s the second trip I’ve saved him (Bennington Home Depot for Ryobi battery charger being the first).

Realized that he doesn’t remember half the stuff I do for him/us. No wonder he treats me with contempt so much of the time (“I’m not…”)

Found vacuum cleaner accessories and stamps.

Insurance company might pay for the sewer line repair. We’ll see.

Approved for home equity loan. Interest rate not bad: 7.5%

Credit to Ron

Ron got his bank account set up yesterday, took care of Lizzie and cleaned up the kitchen.

I did nothing besides drop off the check to A1, stop by the credit union, unpack one box of books and order containers for the LPs. This morning I ordered another container for the CDs.

Had an awful time logging in to this site this morning; got here via GoDaddy.

My Oh My

Justin and Jean are on the road back to Wareham after an unbelievable two days of accomplishment. Our vehicles can now fit into the garage with room to spare! We can find things!

We are beyond ecstatic, grateful, humbled in the face of such preternatural goodness. They must be angels, which made Jean laugh: “When we leave, it’ll all go back to the way it was.”

I found the telephone base and we now have land line service and a (413) number.

Turns out, Ron doesn’t need to go to Home Depot in Bennington for a Ryobi battery charger. We found the charger and it’s working fine.

I also found Ron’s computers and am trying to log in.

A lot of sought-for things have emerged over the course of the last two days, thanks to Justin and Jean.

WooHoo, Roku

A fine person from the cable company attached the TV and Roku. I had all the parts, just not clever enough to put ’em together.

Found the rest of the remotes after he left.

Now need to find the telephone base. We have a new (413) number.

Justin and Jean have been hard at work. He’s already done a transfer station run.

Lizzie had a good night but trumped and leaked on the carpet, even after I let her out.

Much Better

Justin and Jean worked unceasingly today to break down dozens of boxes (I need to count ’em) and place shelves and their contents against the walls of the garage.

It’ll be much easier for us to empty and sort the boxes that are left and to place furniture in the house.

Ryan and his coworker Bill came over to take down the awning and nail back the fascia board. He capped off the live electrical wires, which were my big worry.

The person who claimed to want the king bed finally punked out, to my relief.

I met the town Treasurer today. She sold me a transfer station sticker at the January price and a sheet of stickers for household trash. Very down to earth woman, helpful and friendly, welcome change.

Ron wasn’t able to open an account at the credit union, was lacking a social security card (huh?). He’s off to grocery shop.

Lizzie and I went for a brief walk this morning. I cleaned off the deck a bit to make it easier for her to get around. Got cold and dark this afternoon.

Made appointments with a vet and an electrician. Renewed registration for the truck. Ron deposited over $600 in refund checks to my credit union account.

Found no fewer than three Social Security cards for Ron in our strong box, thus saving him a trip to the nearest office for a replacement.

Filed Complaints; Observations

This morning, I filed complaints about Colony Moving with the AG’s office and Better Business Bureau.

I also wrote a Google review.

Their snotty online answer (no direct communication) to my earlier Yelp review was non-responsive, to put it kindly.

Just got a notice from WaPo that Twitter users have recommended that Musk step down.

The Patriots managed to indelibly mar Bill Belichick’s reputation with lamebrain moves by Rhamondre Stevenson and Jakobi Meyers, both of whom were either seized by temporary insanity or were attempting to execute the worst play call in NFL history.

Oh, well, it’s only money and only a game.

Farmers Market

Yesterday we stopped in to the Berkshire Grown Winter Farmers Market at Greylock Works and came home with a nice collection of vegetables, cheeses, bread, jams and pastry.

The event was well-attended and it was a good opportunity to check out the restaurant and shops at Greylock Works. Ron bought some hard cider from one.

We got a recommendation from one farmer/vendor for a road trip to a quarry in Vermont. Had a long conversation with a firefighter about a vote in February for a new fire station.

Work Days

I’m hoping for a bunch of things to get done over the next couple of days, including clearing out/organizing the garage, rehanging the upstairs bathroom door and possibly a trip or two to the transfer station to get rid of the king bed, empty moving boxes and trash.

It would be good to get the bed frame and IKEA book case put together as well.

Finally, I’d like to get Lizzie lined up for a visit to a vet to examine her rear paws.

We’ll have help but it still feels like moving a mountain.

I Shouldn’t Be Writing This Post

I thought briefly of offering some of gain from the Dixon sale to pay off all or part Ron’s long-term credit card balance.

Then I tried this morning to navigate around his piles of junk in the porch and garage to find the Little Green and the shop vac and thought better of it.

I paid a fortune to move to Williamstown, and it shouldn’t have been necessary for a lot of reasons, one of which is the amount of useless stuff that Ron has insisted on hauling from one place to another for years.

We filled three floors of Dixon, something I hadn’t even thought of when I shopped for a new place to live. The square footage of Henderson is theoretically 75% larger than Dixon (1463 square feet versus 832), but it isn’t enough to fully accommodate all of “our” possessions.

The main reason that the move was so expensive, though, is that I made the mistake of hiring a company that employs a lunatic to manage our move. And that one’s on me.

We Didn’t Lose an Awning…

we gained a door.

Last night, I noticed that the retractable awning fell, taking a chunk of fascia with it.

The awning had been positioned in such a way that it prevented the door to the porch from opening fully. I never investigated why.

Poor Lizzie got herself stuck behind boxes this morning. She woke Ron up last night. She trumped revoltingly in the living room. I took her out to leak around 5:30.

Of course I can’t find the Little Green to get a start on cleaning the carpet. In fact, that’s only one of several things we can’t find, including our shop vac. The pile of goods in the garage is beyond disgusting. I can’t believe how much I paid for this moving disaster.