Tired, Angry, Curt

Up at 2:30 to help Lizzie get “unstuck”, stayed awake.

Blew my top in a phone message to a (stupid) customer service person.

Emptied more boxes. Found the computer with Ron’s accounts, but no power cord. Suggested he consider going to the Apple store in Albany before the “killer” storm starts. Then I found the power cord! That’s the second trip I’ve saved him (Bennington Home Depot for Ryobi battery charger being the first).

Realized that he doesn’t remember half the stuff I do for him/us. No wonder he treats me with contempt so much of the time (“I’m not…”)

Found vacuum cleaner accessories and stamps.

Insurance company might pay for the sewer line repair. We’ll see.

Approved for home equity loan. Interest rate not bad: 7.5%