New Garden

In spite of threats of a thunderstorm, which looks like it may not happen anyway, I stumbled around Hoosick Falls, NY, until I finally found Elhannon Garden Center.

Shades of Mahoney’s without the whoop-de-doo.

I bought ten plants: Astilbe, Phlox, creeping Phlox, Lady’s Mantle, Amsonia, Penstemon and Yarrow.

Ron and I planted them in a little over an hour: a record. Except for some neighboring tree roots and a couple of rocks, the soil in the old junk pile was a pleasure to work with. Easy dig that I figured would take hours.

I managed to knock the driver’s side mirror off the Corolla. The service person at KM in North Adams fixed it for me – clever gent, didn’t even charge me.

Four Suns packed up and if we see them again, it’ll likely not be until the winter.

Pizza, Topsoil, Rain

I picked up 3 bags of topsoil from Aubuchon and filled the hole that used to contain the cement footing for the giant bird feeder.

We had pizza at the senior center and listened to an informative presentation about ticks by a lively speaker. Disappointed that Linnea wasn’t there so we couldn’t wish her a happy birthday.

By the time we left the center, it was pouring.

Bill was here to finish painting, left before we got back. I was hoping James would take a break; he did.

Dropped off compost materials and picked up produce. Justin gave us a lead on a nursery in Hoosick Falls.


Pruned the peony today. Cut off the winter kill from the plant that circles the front lamp post; it looks much better.

The Stellas and Evening Primrose have started to bloom.

Stopped by Tourists yesterday and was given a copy of their Field Guide!

James stowed the back yard eyesores on his truck and put the new header in the garage. Bill and Ryan have been working on the driveway side bedroom and it already looks great!

I made a quick trip to Wild River to drop off compostables, the post office to certify mail the ZAI Trust settlement agreement that arrived earlier today, Stop & Shop for Peet’s and another Gazania, then the senior center for our lunches. Got the Gazania in the ground just as it started raining.

Ron met with his primary today. His main goal was to square away his eye meds. He says he’s pleased with his care.

Bad Leg

Toward the end of the day, I dug out and attempted to weed a little hosta at the end of the driveway.

The weeds were so solidly embedded that I didn’t accomplish as much as I’d liked.

Worse, as a consequence of digging, my left leg hurt all last night.

I think my big planting days are over, but I was able to plant seven annuals by the side of the driveway. The transplants in the back garden seem to be doing fine.

Yesterday, Ron made the best cake brownies I’ve ever had!

Changed sheets and cleaned a couple of shelves in the frig. Removed more cobwebs in the basement.

It rained solidly until about 7:30 or so.

MoCA, Greylock Glen

We hoped to get donuts at Jaeschke Orchards but contrary to their advertised hours, they were closed. We did a short walk at Greylock Glen – exceptional trail; annoyed by bugs, we quit after a short while.

We had a so-so lunch at the Firehouse Cafe and Bistro, then viewed the first floor exhibits at Mass MoCA. The LGBTQIA+ fest was getting set up. We’d worn our Pride shirts with the idea to attend but it was muggy which didn’t help Ron’s allergies and rain was predicted, so we vegged at home. In spite of the outside conditions, the downstairs was cool and comfortable.

It’s pouring now: glad that we don’t have any errands for today.

Good news on the construction front: got the word from the Building Inspector that we don’t have to have finishes done for his final sign-off. Peter and James got their heads together on electric work. James was pleased with the wall materials that he uncovered for the new header post.

Last Week of School

We’ve celebrated with the boys, gave Bell an articulated wooden snake and a bubble pistol to Ben. Ron talked me into buying a bubble pistol for Bell, too. Their Mom was clever enough to get the pistols to work. Left a big bottle of bubble stuff in their yard.

We had burgers and CSA salad vegetables for lunch today.

James has invited another crew to work with him. We came to terms on budget. He found a major problem which he will fix: one of the headers didn’t reach all the way across. Sort of like my legs that don’t go all the way up.

So, how is a home inspector supposed to find something like that (rhetorical question); usual rationale: “old houses sink”.

James knocked down both of the eyesores in the yard!

A house up the street that listed for $275k a couple of days ago is already under agreement. It has an acre of land. Built in 1905. Only one permit on file.

A tech from Modern Pest was here today to check the bait boxes. There was activity under the kitchen sink (not good) and in the smaller attic (not bad).

Went to Walmart yesterday for meds, again.

Pruned a pile of dead branches from the front bushes. Did a quick transfer station run yesterday.

We figured out a billing issue Ron had with Harvard Pilgrim. Turns out there was a premium outstanding since November 2021!

Good news: we are getting $3,100 from the Zonite Trust for vermiculite removal.

To minimize disturbance to James, I’ve been working in the sunroom today.

New Router and Modem; Project Saved

Yesterday, Juneteenth, we did laundry and James built a temporary wall.

Bruce did another run through with James yesterday and when I balked at James’ predicted increase in the project cost, came up with an idea today to make the project more affordable. Thank goodness.

Bill and Ryan were here today to sand and touch up the driveway side bedroom walls.

Ron and I sorted through a small-ish pile of debris left from yesterday’s big corner yard cleanup. I brought it and some other yard cuttings to the transfer station.

Ron mowed the yard, front and back, and it looks great.

The tech from Spectrum, an efficient and cheerful sort, solved our streaming issues; what a relief!

Sunday Chores

Laundry, carpet cleaning, changed sheets.

Disgusted by the torn living room shades, I took them down and hung summer curtains. No doubt just in time for demolition but certainly an improvement for now!

We missed a 9 am walk and I think it’s best to not sign up for any others. We were up late last night and didn’t get out of bed until after 8 this morning.

Ordered some cool grammar pencils for James M.

Cleaned my laptop keyboard and screen with 70% isopropyl alcohol.

Booked an appointment for service from Spectrum.

Went on a hike with Ron on the Williamstown to North Adams Adventure Trail. Must complete it!

Made burgers and salad for supper.

North Adams Juneteenth Street Fair

Ron did the transfer station and redemption center runs before they closed.

I cleaned off the shelf in the upstairs closet that was covered with insulation and loaded the truck with metal, plastic and paper recyclables and a big bag of trash.

Afterwards, I attended the I Am Afro street fair, had a beer and brought home Spire donuts.

Bell helped me fold tarps and explored the front of the truck while Ron supervised.

I picked up a book on hold at the library, which was lucky; they are closed on Monday.

the worst Are full of passionate intensity.

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)