Last Week of School

We’ve celebrated with the boys, gave Bell an articulated wooden snake and a bubble pistol to Ben. Ron talked me into buying a bubble pistol for Bell, too. Their Mom was clever enough to get the pistols to work. Left a big bottle of bubble stuff in their yard.

We had burgers and CSA salad vegetables for lunch today.

James has invited another crew to work with him. We came to terms on budget. He found a major problem which he will fix: one of the headers didn’t reach all the way across. Sort of like my legs that don’t go all the way up.

So, how is a home inspector supposed to find something like that (rhetorical question); usual rationale: “old houses sink”.

James knocked down both of the eyesores in the yard!

A house up the street that listed for $275k a couple of days ago is already under agreement. It has an acre of land. Built in 1905. Only one permit on file.

A tech from Modern Pest was here today to check the bait boxes. There was activity under the kitchen sink (not good) and in the smaller attic (not bad).

Went to Walmart yesterday for meds, again.

Pruned a pile of dead branches from the front bushes. Did a quick transfer station run yesterday.

We figured out a billing issue Ron had with Harvard Pilgrim. Turns out there was a premium outstanding since November 2021!

Good news: we are getting $3,100 from the Zonite Trust for vermiculite removal.

To minimize disturbance to James, I’ve been working in the sunroom today.