
Yesterday there was a torrent in areas east of us, and we got a good soaking. Fortunate because it’s been dry for so long. Vehicles stayed in the garage.

I’d spent a couple of hours heavy cleaning so was grateful to not have to water, too. Vacuumed and bleached bottom shelves and put down new liners. Ran cookware that was on bottom shelves through the dishwasher.

Visited the North Adams and Williamstown Farmers Markets this morning. Very little appealed to me. Afterwards I went to Carr Hardware for shopvac bags and Bartenders.

Later I made a trip to the transfer station, picked up Dennis Lehane’s newest, “Small Mercies” and enjoyed a short walk on the bike path. Three trips that I would have done in one if I’d been more organized.

It feels like I’m holding up the house by will power alone.

Hot Weather, Brace, Bedroom Wiring, Ron’s Hearing Aids

I’ve been having pain in my right hand so, unable to locate our supply of orthopedic equipment, bought a brace and wore it last night. It helped.

It’s been hot, with a cold front and possible t-storms expected later today.

The electrician wired the driveway side bedroom yesterday. Drywall to be installed next week along with remaining plumbing re-dos.

In spite of the heat, the first floor of the house has been surprisingly comfortable but upstairs has been hot. Ron and I hefted the portable air conditioner up the stairs a couple of days ago. To my relief, it works. Have been using it in our bedroom the last two nights and set it up for the electrician yesterday.

Bought two new hoses, 50 and 80 feet, and a cart.

So far, so good on the transplants. I repotted the rhubarb.

Paid the semi-annual water/sewer bill.

This past Tuesday, we passed through Stefanik country to Albany for Ron’s hearing aids. He seems happy with them.


Spoke with the boys and texted Em. Everyone sounds in good spirits.

Watered the new flowers and swept both sheds. Found a long chain in one of them; cool prop for Halloween?

We buried a slew of mice that were in the “Dogpatch” shed trash cans.

Dead mouse smell in the downstairs bath area.

Did another laundry and now we are caught up.

Plant Sale

Had good luck at the Pine Cobble School plant sale.

Brought home coreopsis, lily of the valley, Siberian iris, rhubarb, snow in summer, bell flower, phlox.

Ron fixed the hose connections. I bought new sprayers.

Did a run to Walmart for my meds and groceries, mostly produce.

Today we went to Ratu’s in Wilmington, VT for low-sulfite white wine. It was a bust but I found two of the varieties listed on PureWow at Shaw’s. https://www.purewow.com/wine/sulfite-free-wines

It was only 20 more miles to Brattleboro so we crossed the state on mostly boring roads until Hogback Mountain. Had lunch at Whetstone Beer but won’t be back: too loud for Ron, too expensive for me. It was good, though.

Good Week

Ryan and his crew finished framing the “office” and cleared the remnants of the coal stove chimney.

I got a sweet thank you note from Bellamy!

Ron shaved his beard and moustache.

James was here to measure and discuss his plan for the project. He’ll be in touch with the architect.

It took three tries but I finally got a prescription squared away.

We did a transfer station run.

Brought both vehicles to the car wash. Vacuumed them at home.

Ron mowed front and back; looks good.

Met Butch’s mom, visited briefly with her and Millie.

Perennials Wish List


Savings: $288.53


ORDiscount / Coupon CodeAPPLY

Spring Items: Spring 2023


Viburnum Spice Baby

Spring 2023

Plant Code: VISB

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #1 Viburnum Spice BabyQty:

$22.95 $11.47


Syringa Bloomerang Dwarf Purple

Spring 2023

Only a couple left!

Plant Code: SYPU

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #2 Syringa Bloomerang Dwarf PurpleQty:

$22.95 $11.47


Rudbeckia Indian Summer

Spring 2023

Plant Code: RUIS

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #3 Rudbeckia Indian SummerQty:

$27.90 $16.74


Phlox Sherwood Purple

Spring 2023

Plant Code: PHSP

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #4 Phlox Sherwood PurpleQty:

$46.50 $23.25


Mysterious Inspiration Blend

Spring 2023

Only a couple left!

Plant Code: BMYST

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #5 Mysterious Inspiration BlendQty:

$31.90 $15.95


Lily Hotline

Spring 2023

Plant Code: BLIHO

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #6 Lily HotlineQty:

$13.90 $6.95


Hollyhock Old Farmyard

Spring 2023

Plant Code: HOOF

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #7 Hollyhock Old FarmyardQty:

$52.50 $26.25


Helleborus Spanish Flare

Spring 2023

Plant Code: HESF

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #8 Helleborus Spanish FlareQty:

$55.50 $38.85


Digitalis Dalmatian Peach

Spring 2023

Plant Code: DIDA

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #9 Digitalis Dalmatian PeachQty:

$46.50 $23.25


Coreopsis Starstruck

Spring 2023

Plant Code: COTR

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #10 Coreopsis StarstruckQty:

$49.50 $34.65


Coreopsis Creme Caramel

Spring 2023

Plant Code: COCR

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #11 Coreopsis Creme CaramelQty:

$55.50 $33.30


Chrysanthemum Starlet

Spring 2023

Plant Code: MSTAR

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #12 Chrysanthemum StarletQty:

$57.00 $28.50


Astilbe Montgomery

Spring 2023

Plant Code: ASMO

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #13 Astilbe MontgomeryQty:

$49.50 $34.65


Astilbe Milk and Honey

Spring 2023

Plant Code: ASMH

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #14 Astilbe Milk and HoneyQty:

$52.50 $31.50


Astilbe Bridal Veil

Spring 2023

Plant Code: ASBV

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #15 Astilbe Bridal VeilQty:

$49.50 $24.75


Aster Wood’s Blue

Spring 2023

Plant Code: ASWB

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #16 Aster Wood’s BlueQty:

$15.95 $7.97


Alchemilla Thriller

Spring 2023

Plant Code: ALMO

DELETE SAVE FOR LATEREdit Quantity for Item #17 Alchemilla ThrillerQty:

$15.95 $7.97

Millie Loves Her Bed

I gave our neighbors a bunch of Lizzie things, including blankets and her bed. We got a report that their dog Millie loves it!

Plus, I received a beautiful thank you note from “Bell and family”.

The boys and their Mom visited briefly today. It was raining and I tried opening the big umbrella but popped it the wrong way. If only I could have taken a picture of Bellamy carrying the upside down umbrella: priceless!

Ryan has made tremendous progress and finished the framing today for the driveway side bedroom.

Met with Bruce and James this morning to go over last questions.

Ron is meeting with our new eye doctor today. Luckily I spotted his hen scratching on the calendar this morning. His Beltone follow-on is on hold for now.

Ordered PRIDE shirts from Target today. They’ve been forced to pull or relocate PRIDE merchandise in their (guess) Southern stores.

Diplomacy is Superior to Civility

Civility is manners, politeness, saying “please” and “thank you.” It greases the wheels of social interactions, or so it is claimed to do.

Diplomacy is tactful and far more difficult and nuanced than mere civility. Diplomacy is empathetic whereas civility is rules-based and mechanical.