Gardener’s Diary

Second bloom for the pinks, and waiting for the same from the dahlias.
Have been cleaning up the gone-bys and doing compliance watering (6-8 am, 7-9 pm): NO rain, again, this week.
More of the same in the rock garden at #11, although it does need more weeding. I’m waiting for mums so I can fill in when the weeds come out.
Incredibly, the begonias and vinca are hanging on in the window boxes.
As you have surmised, not much to report this time. So, check out the Zeitgeist photos to the lower right if you have more time to spend. Couple nice ones from an outing last night to Nauset Beach.

Work World, Survival World

It seems an unsettled time in the world of work for several of my friends.
One was laid off a couple of months ago and still hasn’t found a job. As I’ve suspected for a while, she’s ready to quit the world of work and retire. Because of various opportunities lost, though, she needs to be her household’s principal wage earner for at least the next 10-15 years – almost an impossibility when you have only secondary income skills.

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Tad of Good News from Vacaville

Vacaville, California, could be a Red state stereotype: the biggest employers in town are the nearby Travis Air Force Base and the Vacaville state prison, home to such notorious inmates as Charlie Manson.
I visited Vacaville years ago and remember it as a sad, dusty, depressing place, as far removed from the lush California coast and the fleshpots of Los Angeles and San Francisco as any town in the Midwest or the South. That Vacaville could produce a resident like Cindy Sheehan is as unlikely as a money tree growing in your back yard.

Continue reading Tad of Good News from Vacaville

Father of the Year

Ronnie Paris, self-described tough guy, begged a Florida judge for mercy last Friday in the sentencing phase of his trial for the murder of his 3 year old son.
Mr. Macho Man had been convicted of second-degree murder and aggravated child abuse for the beating death. One might call this more an execution than a murder: Mr. Cool Dude had a history of stuffing this little child into a box and slamming his head against the wall until the baby vomitted and eventually passed out.
The reason for the beatings? Ronnie didn’t want his son to grow up gay.

Continue reading Father of the Year

Supporting Camp Casey

Well, my friend Cindy (not the same Cindy who has become a focal point for the anti-Iraq war movement) are now semi-notorious peaceniks: we are in a published photo of the peace vigil that took place this week at the Falmouth Village Green.
You can’t see us very well, but Cindy called last night, gleeful that she spotted us at the far end of the Green, near the church. Her bright pink blouse and my white sneakers are barely visible between the church door and the right-hand window.

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