Supporting Camp Casey

Well, my friend Cindy (not the same Cindy who has become a focal point for the anti-Iraq war movement) are now semi-notorious peaceniks: we are in a published photo of the peace vigil that took place this week at the Falmouth Village Green.
You can’t see us very well, but Cindy called last night, gleeful that she spotted us at the far end of the Green, near the church. Her bright pink blouse and my white sneakers are barely visible between the church door and the right-hand window.

I’ve also written a letter to the Cape Cod Times expressing my considered opinion of the venomous right-wingers, including civil servants riding in their expensive, taxpayer-funded SUVs, that had been tormenting Camp Casey before they moved to a field owned by a sympathetic Crawford, Texas, farmer.
My letter hasn’t been published yet, but I imagine it will invoke a vituperative response from one of the usual local suspects.
These things don’t compare to the sacrifices being made by people who are physically located at Camp Casey, but I hope the collective actions of people like us are providing moral support at least.