Win Some, Lose Some

Well, I was WAY off in my prediction that Bush would nominate Scalia for Chief Justice.
But two out of three ain’t bad: thanks to Peter for this little tidbit about the only company in the world that can repair a roof or remove debris.
The third prediction (so far) that came true: Bush did get a bounce in popularity for his fake “handling” of the Katrina aftermath.

In an ABC News poll, 74% of Republicans approve of Bush’s response, 46% overall.
That compares to Bush’s earlier job approval rating of 40%.
By the way, 48% approve of the Federal government’s overall management of the crisis. So, in addition to being stupid, 48% of Americans must be deaf and blind as well. No offense meant to those who are legitimately handicapped but still have more than two functioning brain cells to rub together.
Big thumbs-down to Verizon for their intrusive Flash ad, which hides part of the story on the ABC News website.