Tree People

Greater Heights Tree & Land Management came today to give our house and garage roofs some breathing room: 10-12 feet worth. They did a phenomenal job.

I almost blew it with them. They called last night but I thought they were the landscape company that’d offered to trim the forsythia. Freaked out the poor driver but we squared it away.

We dropped off recyclables at the Transfer Station and picked up peat moss and garden soil at Carr Hardware as well as the compound to repair the siding which I’d ordered in July that just came in. Hope to complete the hibiscus and salvia planting that we started yesterday but ran out of dirt.

Yesterday Ron and I returned a damaged range hood to Amazon via UPS. They’ve shipped a replacement. Peter installed the ceiling lights, which are way too bright; hoping he’ll be back on Friday to install a dimmer. He also started work on the outlet in the downstairs bathroom.

James and Jake have been busy, too, priming drywall and adding baseboard.

Spent some time washing and prepping yesterday’s produce haul for salads: kale, lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, red onions, zukes.

More Plants! Potluck BBQ

Ron fell in love with a couple of perennial hibiscus and dug out the turf to extend the center garden. Planted them today and another Salvia after removing more medium-sized rocks.

We attended the South Williamstown Neighborhood Association annual potluck BBQ and came home with pasta salad and a cake. We had the winning bid on the cake auction for the Food Pantry and demolished it in a day, with help.

So much good food in one place, and all but a couple of dishes were veg.


Ron mowed the “lawn”!

We visited a couple of garden shops in Hoosick. The big treat was stopping at a roadside stand for produce on the way back. Met the farmer and his two gorgeous, friendly dogs.

Up at 4:30 am, but it rained this morning (Sunday) so couldn’t view the Perseids.

Planted an oregano gifted by a neighbor and the lavender and Blanket Flower (Gallardia) from yesterday’s plunder. Watered both garden “patches”. Pruned the yarrow.

Ron Digs In

Ron got up with me for the first time in quite a while and with admirable good humor, dug in to the mess we left in the kitchen last night and started the laundry.

Gorgeous morning; hummer at the hanging plant.

Proud of what we and more accurately our contractors have accomplished since we moved in here.

For no good reason, I filled in a survey from the Milton High School Class of 1963 reunion committee. It asked for a summary of life at the moment, and I wrote that we recently moved to the Berkshires from the Cape and are in the process of renovating a 100 year old house.

It sounds a bit highfalutin’ even if it is accurate, which makes me laugh because we are underachievers who have spent our adult lives contemplating how we’re going to pay our bills.


I was up at 4:30 and spent a couple of hours online.

Thought we were done with boulders, but when I started digging out more soil this morning, ran into a large rock. Not as big as the one we unearthed last week, but too heavy to pry out.

James rehomed it to a corner of the yard and after he and Jake left, I got back to digging. Put four new plants in. We need a little planting soil to finish.

Ron did some hydrating – great because I wasn’t up to hauling the big watering can.

Made rice in the steamer, cleaned and chopped a pile of vegetables for stir fry: broccolini, eggplant, collard greens. Steamed some dragon beans. Ron made sauce.

Email from Jim about a little project for MRS. He’s done a splendid job with NEPS!

Rock and Roll

James towed the giant rock with his Polaris ATV. We filled in the hole with soil from two trash barrels and two wheelbarrows.

Prior to this, we went to the RMV in North Adams for a paper copy of Ron’s drivers license, which, still searching for Ron’s misplaced wallet, I’d ordered earlier after much frustration with their website.

We picked up bakery at Bailey’s and Berkshire Emporium and did a shop at Walmart and Job Lot.

Wildflower Meadow

Seeded species observed include: 

Agastache foeniculum (anise hyssop), 

Aquilegia canadensis (wild columbine), 

Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed), 

Aster laevis (smooth aster), 

Carex sp (sedge species), 

Castilleja coccinea (Scarlet Paintbrush), 

Chamaecrista fasciculata (partridge pea), 

Cirsium discolor (pasture thistle), 

Coreopsis lanceolata (tickseed), 

Elymus sp. (wild rye sp.), 

Gnaphalium obtusifolium (sweet everlasting), 

Monarda punctata (horsemint), 

Parthenium integrifolium (wild quinine), 

Penstemon digitalis (white beardtongue), 

Penstemon hirsutus (hairy beardtongue),

Rudbeckia hirta (black eyed Susan), 

Solidago juncea (early goldenrod), and 

Zizia aurea (golden Alexander),

among others.

Spending Too Much

I’ve bought used shorts and shirts for myself; a case of Clos du Bois Sauvignon Blanc (great price at Dwyer’s); a/c service for the truck; lunches at Madison Brewing Company, Moonwink and Ma & Pa Kettle; and cheese and crackers at Provisions.

Ron has reimbursed me almost $300, but get him to understand that and what else he owes (relatively little): almost impossible.

Met with a painter yesterday. Caught up with the gent from Berkshire Heating today. He promised a proposal soon. Getting an estimate for a kitchen remodel this Friday.

The electrician and landscapers punted but our carpenters did more work on the living room ceiling. They plan to be done the end of next week. We will miss them!

Ron worked for hours on chopping vegetables for not one but two cheddar quiches: swiss chard, onion, peppers, summer squash, parsley. Superb.

We brought the truck in for an air conditioning recharge and replacement of a couple of a/c hoses. Rain on the way back but it stopped quickly.