Tree People

Greater Heights Tree & Land Management came today to give our house and garage roofs some breathing room: 10-12 feet worth. They did a phenomenal job.

I almost blew it with them. They called last night but I thought they were the landscape company that’d offered to trim the forsythia. Freaked out the poor driver but we squared it away.

We dropped off recyclables at the Transfer Station and picked up peat moss and garden soil at Carr Hardware as well as the compound to repair the siding which I’d ordered in July that just came in. Hope to complete the hibiscus and salvia planting that we started yesterday but ran out of dirt.

Yesterday Ron and I returned a damaged range hood to Amazon via UPS. They’ve shipped a replacement. Peter installed the ceiling lights, which are way too bright; hoping he’ll be back on Friday to install a dimmer. He also started work on the outlet in the downstairs bathroom.

James and Jake have been busy, too, priming drywall and adding baseboard.

Spent some time washing and prepping yesterday’s produce haul for salads: kale, lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, red onions, zukes.